Instead of Offering it on DVD, How about Offering it on a Passport style Portable USB Hard Drive. The Cards on the drive would be Non-Encrypted, and you'd have to install them.
The Installation would connect to the VG server and add the Encryption to the Card, just like if you Downloaded them.
That way, the files on the HD could be shared with other Members. Only the Cards they Owned would be installed and encrypted based on the Rights issued from the VG server.
One Price for all Includes the Shipping and the Portable Hard Drive.
Just a Thouhgt, It would be ideal for anyone who has a low bandwidth Internet connection.
Or there could be a Monthly DVD subscription. Same Idea, but only the cards released that Month would be sent out on a DVD set. Each DVD could have a promo Demo, and the Software, so if you gave it to a friend, they could install it, and only see the promo clips.
Sort of a way to pass around the Demo Package to get new recruits.
Does anyone remember when AOL would send millons of CD's to everyone..
One of the Most successful marketing campaings ever..