It's a ***** question I know, but - if you could have cards from only one VirtuaGirl remain in your collection, losing all others and never gaining any others again, which one girl would best keep you satisfied forever?
I think my answer has to be Jenna Sweet. There are other girls I like more in a certain outfit or when I'm of a certain mood, but I think as I review my history of the program (I just Freudian-typoed the word "game" there, I guess it sort of is a game, one with no rules where I usually win), she is the one who most consistently maximizes my enjoyment of her. I am virtually never uninterested in seeing her, while even the superlative sexiness of Natali Blond fails to impress me on occasion if I'm not in a sexy mood but am watching VGHD anyway (a rare occurrence). Jenna Sweet is incredibly sexy AND beautiful AND has nice outfits AND dances well AND makes me happy to look at. A few other girls exceed her in one or two categories, but I think if I scored them all she'd come out on top.