Also a bug to report: Sometimes after I delete a show, iStripper redownloads it again a few seconds or minutes later.
This is referring to shows I own, not previews. It seems to have mind of its own about what it thinks I want downloaded, but my hard drive has run out of space.
Just to be clear, the way that I delete a show is to right click on the card, select Manage -> Delete the show.
And by redownload, I mean the show appears in the Downloads queue and downloads completely. These are shows I recently downloaded, then decided to delete fairly soon afterward.
Edit: This just happened again. Here is what I did:
- I deleted a show as described above
- I right clicked the current desktop dancer and opened her details page that way
- I scrolled down to "other shows you own"
- I hovered the mouse over show I don't currently have downloaded and clicked the download icon
It started to download that show, and it also added the show I just deleted to the download queue.
This could be related to another bug I've been having in the Beta. When I try to play a show from the "other shows you own" section of the details page, it almost never plays the correct show, but plays something else.
Edit2: There's another weird UI issue that is similar that I'm starting to see. Sometimes when I click "Next Outfit" for the current dancer, it takes me to a different model.