This website contains age-restricted material including nudity and explicit content. By entering, you confirm being at least 18 years old or the age of majority in the jurisdiction you are accessing the website from.
le jour ou elle sera maquiller normalement s fera un super show mais bon pour une fois jolie costume
13 October 2008
jolie blonde malgres un visage impassible jolie corps et tenue tres chic et choc
6 April 2010
quelle horreur !!!!
un vrai monstre !!!!!
je vais la retirer de mon pc!!!
0 !
5 January 2008
she's ok but would it ***** her to smile? She looks like she's stripping for a funeral.
1 December 2007
I'm not sexually attracted to this girl but,I find her to be intellectually sexy.
23 September 2010
Si vous avez aimé le preview, vous aimerez la version complète.
Elle a vraiment un corps magnifique et est très professionnelle, sa manière d'évoluer (presque) sans jamais sourire est une de ses particularités, on l'aime ou non (au vu de sa note, la plupart des gens non).
23 July 2011
Going against popular opinion, I like this show a lot actually! There's something strangely erotic about watching Liliane strip when she (purposefully) looks like she'd rather not be doing it. She has an "unapproachable" aura about her that I find very compelling.
She seems to always choose odd hairstyles and makeup which only adds to her unique appeal. And anyone who's watched her knows she has a great body, particularly her legs and ass!
Her pace is definitely slow and methodical, but I think this is her best card. While she may not be anyone's top choice, I enjoy her different style and personality and this card is the perfect example of both!
22 June 2008
There is no doubt Liliane is beautiful, if you doubt it look her up on the rest of the web. Lovely body ect and she can smile! But presence in this clip is non existent. Her body checked in but her mind is obviously elsewhere.
I got her on my calendar and immediately afterwards downloaded Beatrix Acapulco Taste. So I have both running and dancing. It is like chalk and cheese. Both are good lookers but Beatrix knocks Liliane for dead becasue she is there having fun, teasing and engaging.
3 March 2011
Liliane Tiger As Scandal >> Yes it is !!! > She has the lot for a good scandal: Tattoos, Piercings, False Eye-lashes and in addition what other fake parts has she got ?; she does have a nice ASS & PUSSY and yet in her photoshoots here she seems to be that reluclant to show those two (2) only natural assets. My non-forgiving rating is 7 out of 10.
20 April 2008
That girl has one major problem - her face expression is like someone was pointed gun in her head and was ***** her to strip! That was suppose for fun... your face expression is for some funeral! All else is just perfect - perfect body, sexy costumes, good body moves... 7 from me.
27 August 2010
( Wink-Wink ) The Things Liliane And I Could "DO" To Each Other In THAT Huge Black Chair mmmmmmmm I LOVE Liliane, She MY Fave Dancer xoxoxox
10 November 2023
Standing clips: 9 of 27 clips (approximate running time - 16.75 minutes)
While I think Liliane is quite attractive and a very competent stripper, I can't stand her haircut, not fond of the tattoos and what's up with that chair? Liliane's got a great set of knockers and she wastes no time sharing them with us in the topless and nudity portions of this set of clips. Not really fond of the mons tattoo either...I prefer real hair down there. Overall, I will only give this group of videos 3 stars...we'll see if the other two shows can redeem her performance.
30 January 2010
nice nudity,unusual looks[a bit like a local club stripper] girl next door movement,slow ,but strangely arousing,odd but nice
4 January 2011
In the past few weeks, I have taken a liking to Lilianne Tiger. I like the costume in this card. I like the transparent outfit which lets gives you a wonderful visible panty line when she turns her back.
I find that her cold expression compliments the outfit as again it makes her look lke a haughty, spolit and selfish, but sex-mad, milf.
Apart from that, she moves very well and it goes well with most music. She does appear to put a lot of effort in and shows a lot, or at least what I want to see. She also gives a few decent panty shots, which is what I like.
The only improvements are that I would have like to have more of the visible panty line from the back. Also the panties don't look as sexy in the show as they probably would look in real life because the pattern is too detailed. But I still appreciate the effort.
7 September 2008
Shame on you Totem and the director of this performance. This is a very lovely young lady who has performed well in the past. She was mis-directed and to allow her to give such a deadpan performance with un-flattering makeup coupled with the weird hairdo is a complete waste of both talent and the customers money.
1 February 2009
Lilian Tiger. What can I say about this card. she has the legs of a gymnast (definately a good thing!), the butt of a godess, and a halfway descent breasts. She also has the hair style of a rabid chipmonk on crack, and the makakup job of a unsuccessful bomb tester. (Boom!)
With all that being said she also, at times shows that she knows how to move seductively (Dance). There is also one time in the preformance that she is somewhat explicit (Trust me, its nice.)I like the outfit and think that the underwear was a perfect choice for her complection. Because of these things I have given her a 7.5/10
I'm looking foward to seeing what she can do on her other cards.
29 October 2008
This card is just way too high-brow. It screams "Look while you can, but I'm too far out of your league to hope for." Not exactly what you look for in a strip show.
25 July 2010
One of the best examples of ***** hairstyles and makeup.Don't know what they were thinking ,this is just a terrible look for her.Then you also add in her unfortunate ugly tattoos and this card is a no thanks.
5 November 2007
Liliane is absolutely stunning. She will always be my No. 1. :)
13 January 2011
I have avoided Lilianne's cards due to my not finding her attractive at all, however now I have watched this:
1- Don't like the hair do;
2- A girl just sat stroking her legs is BORING;
3- Where is the life in this girl? No spark or energy, she could be a robot just going through the motions;
4- As others have said, no smile, no emotion whatsoever;
Saying all that, the full strip isn't bad, there are worse cards than this and worse dancers, I will keep it but not rate it very high
26 May 2008
Not quite deleted, but almost always disabled. For me, the tattoo is the deal breaker. I wonder when girls will realise that clean bare flesh is much sexier that that spilled my ink pot over my arm/back/leg look. Liliane could have looked so much better.
12 August 2013
If you don't want to see a girl smile, this card is for you
I'm trying to like her more, I must watch the whole show
I always pick cute girls with nice ass and can move that body 10
20 May 2008
Damn. She is beautiful and sexy. I dont mind much that she isnt smiling. The show that she puts on is seductive and hot. I kinda like the moody look she has. She looks great and moves pretty well. I love the tattoos.
13 February 2008
Questo show non è granchè piccola!!! Dalla tua espressione sembra che l'abbia fatto controvoglia!!!??? Oppure dalla faccia che avevi sembra ti sia morto qualcuno!!! Posso dirti che è discreto ma nulla più, promette...poco ed offre ancora meno; eppure potenzialmente sei carina, non lo show però!!!
1 June 2008
She's very pretty but so po faced, it wouldn't ***** her to smile now and again, I bet she's a mean card player.
17 March 2008
Love the look and love the Tat's...Don't listen to what the others say your beautiful =) I have all of your shows and you have been great thus far so listen not to the Heathens. Much Love sent to you =)
1 January 2018
It is totally scandelous that Liliane is so under rated!
She is a very beautful woman and her performances are terrific!
14 March 2010
An avarage card, maybe not her best, but a good show. This girl has a potentially body and in this card I like her outfit, but she has always one big problem, she never smile, and this makes a sad show.
For this reason a give her a 6/10.
27 January 2008
I enjoyed the moves and her body but not much of a fan of the tattoos. She could have smiled and appeared to be enjoying the routine at least a little bit. Hope to see improvements in the future.
25 March 2008
Very pretty girl, great dancing but it is spoilt by her lack of expression, come on Liliane, I've seen some of you sex shows on other sites so I know you can do it!
3 December 2007
Very nice, and its great to watch her on my laptop. She brings the screen to life lol. x great work 11/10 five star*****
10 May 2009
Not her best card...I have to agree with the others, Liliane Tiger is very pretty and has a hot body, but I wish she would show more emotion...let a guy know that she is at least enjoying this and not just doing a job...or something.
1 December 2008
Sorry, but this really is boring. She reminds me of the Borg Queen from Star Trek...
6 June 2008
I begin with something good and afterwards less property. Sexy outfit! Very bad hairstyle, not enough feelings and expression, not enough movement to remain on my harddrive.
29 December 2007
Fair, but she can much better than that!
13 March 2011
moyen j ai pas tous regarder mais ces moyen parceque on dirait que tu a grave envie d arreter et en + tu souri jamais quasiment et tu fais un peu sa vite fai 6sur10 sai la note moyenne parceque ton show est pas mal pour les seins et tous sa ^^
11 January 2008
Great body, good moves, but like others have said she seems like a zombie walking through the set. There is no playfulness in the eyes, there is never a smile, and I'll admit the hair frightens me.
31 October 2020
Good dancing, but a very detached performance, and at times it looks as if Liliane is not having fun. Neither am I.
19 July 2009
She is an odd bird in this card, but I like her. She is sexy in a cold unemotional way. Might not be everyones cup of tea tho.
2 April 2009
I dont want to make anyone who likes her mad but.. Ok she is a very pretty girl with a great body, I would love to get her alone... She also has no personality at all, dead fish have more feeling then is shown by her face(in every card to). That tat is *****. She should stick to photo modeling. Great to looking at just let her move.
3 May 2011
i notice that you have the Tatoos on the wrong shoulder how could that be? your cards show the right but in the show its on the left what gives
22 January 2009
liliane tiger is a pretty woman, but she does not smile,looks like she is bored. so i give a 1 out of 10, not my lowest score given but close
28 June 2009
One of my least favorite models. No expression poor dancer, and all those tats are ugly.
1 July 2019
4 April 2010
My kind of girl and such a turn on.Would love to meet her or receive a message from her.
2 January 2009
Crazy hot body, but the performance was dead and the costume sucked. Glad it was a package card.
12 January 2008
Nice Body, Dead Eyes.
6 August 2009
I think she just may have been sent from the ***** John CONNER!!!!
Il y a 15 jours
Not my favourite show with Liliane!
21 January 2008
Well, those tattoos are not rellay necessary to watch
24 February 2010
I've seen her perform in movies, and expected her to be as sexy and involved and having fun as when she's doing the horizontal rhumba... instead it's simply not worth it.
31 May 2020
15 January 2008
I don't mind the dead eyes - I find that aloofness sort of sexy. On some girls anyways, not this one. The tattoos are nasty looking, I rated her a 3. Deleted from disk.....
29 December 2007
Different strokes for different folks I guess. I was always taught if I didn't have something nice to say, not to say anything at all. Maybe it's the hair, maybe the tattoos, but disabled on my system.
14 March 2008
nice show, but her face look so sad....
7 July 2017
I like her, but the set is not the best.
21 December 2008
Oh Dear! Dreadful. No smile. Not even sexy. What has happened to her face? Is it to do with the digitization or resolution? Such a disappointment to anyone who has seen her DVDs in Marc Dorcel Pornochic series, where she is so horny.
29 July 2020
6 December 2017
Ugly emotionless girl. Can't dance.
14 February 2013
beurk, I don't like tatoo on pussy => recycle bin
29 May 2009
If her hair wasn't screwy and she knew how to smile even a little (hell, any human expression whatsoever would be nice) she might be attractive.
14 February 2008
Dead eyes. nobody needs a zombie stripping here. simply the worst of all
3 January 2008
They say if you really want to know its in the eyes. In this case it is very much so. She has an excellent body and very sinous moves but it is all dead pan --- no life. Her eyes are dead pan and the only hint of a smile is when she was kissing off at the end of a set. If it is just a body you want this is a good show but if you are loking for personality you wont find it here.
28 January 2010
Liliane Tiger hersef is a beautifull sexy women and gets a 10.It´s a Scandal how badly she was styled in this show, hair and makeup are realy bad. She had so nice shows done, get them and you will like her a lot. Somehow you get the impression she was ***** into this hairstyle/makeup and looks because of that so sad.
11 June 2008
Liliane Tiger hat in dieser Show eine unmögliche Frisur, und ein hässliches Make-Up. Sie hat sehr nette Tattoos (Oberarm, Schulterblatt, über dem Po und über der Muschi), und die glattrasierte Muschi mit dem Tattoo darüber und dem Piercing in der Klitoris ist mal was anderes und sieht echt lecker aus. Rock und Oberteil sind nett, die Schuhe finde ich langweilig und der Slip passt nicht zum Outfit.
Die Show ist eher langsam und nur durchschnittlich.
(Wertung: 5 von 10 Punkten)
4 April 2019
Love the hair, love the smoking, love Liliane!
30 June 2018
She is a Goddess !
18 December 2020
wow very good
9 April 2016
Really not a fan of her, doesn't seem to have any personality. A shame because she's a very attractive lady.
26 February 2017
Super !
16 May 2009
le jour ou elle sera maquiller normalement s fera un super show mais bon pour une fois jolie costume
13 October 2008
jolie blonde malgres un visage impassible jolie corps et tenue tres chic et choc
6 April 2010
quelle horreur !!!!
un vrai monstre !!!!!
je vais la retirer de mon pc!!!
0 !
5 January 2008
she's ok but would it ***** her to smile? She looks like she's stripping for a funeral.
1 December 2007
I'm not sexually attracted to this girl but,I find her to be intellectually sexy.
23 September 2010
Si vous avez aimé le preview, vous aimerez la version complète.
Elle a vraiment un corps magnifique et est très professionnelle, sa manière d'évoluer (presque) sans jamais sourire est une de ses particularités, on l'aime ou non (au vu de sa note, la plupart des gens non).
23 July 2011
Going against popular opinion, I like this show a lot actually! There's something strangely erotic about watching Liliane strip when she (purposefully) looks like she'd rather not be doing it. She has an "unapproachable" aura about her that I find very compelling.
She seems to always choose odd hairstyles and makeup which only adds to her unique appeal. And anyone who's watched her knows she has a great body, particularly her legs and ass!
Her pace is definitely slow and methodical, but I think this is her best card. While she may not be anyone's top choice, I enjoy her different style and personality and this card is the perfect example of both!
22 June 2008
There is no doubt Liliane is beautiful, if you doubt it look her up on the rest of the web. Lovely body ect and she can smile! But presence in this clip is non existent. Her body checked in but her mind is obviously elsewhere.
I got her on my calendar and immediately afterwards downloaded Beatrix Acapulco Taste. So I have both running and dancing. It is like chalk and cheese. Both are good lookers but Beatrix knocks Liliane for dead becasue she is there having fun, teasing and engaging.
3 March 2011
Liliane Tiger As Scandal >> Yes it is !!! > She has the lot for a good scandal: Tattoos, Piercings, False Eye-lashes and in addition what other fake parts has she got ?; she does have a nice ASS & PUSSY and yet in her photoshoots here she seems to be that reluclant to show those two (2) only natural assets. My non-forgiving rating is 7 out of 10.
20 April 2008
That girl has one major problem - her face expression is like someone was pointed gun in her head and was ***** her to strip! That was suppose for fun... your face expression is for some funeral! All else is just perfect - perfect body, sexy costumes, good body moves... 7 from me.
27 August 2010
( Wink-Wink ) The Things Liliane And I Could "DO" To Each Other In THAT Huge Black Chair mmmmmmmm I LOVE Liliane, She MY Fave Dancer xoxoxox
10 November 2023
Standing clips: 9 of 27 clips (approximate running time - 16.75 minutes)
While I think Liliane is quite attractive and a very competent stripper, I can't stand her haircut, not fond of the tattoos and what's up with that chair? Liliane's got a great set of knockers and she wastes no time sharing them with us in the topless and nudity portions of this set of clips. Not really fond of the mons tattoo either...I prefer real hair down there. Overall, I will only give this group of videos 3 stars...we'll see if the other two shows can redeem her performance.
30 January 2010
nice nudity,unusual looks[a bit like a local club stripper] girl next door movement,slow ,but strangely arousing,odd but nice
4 January 2011
In the past few weeks, I have taken a liking to Lilianne Tiger. I like the costume in this card. I like the transparent outfit which lets gives you a wonderful visible panty line when she turns her back.
I find that her cold expression compliments the outfit as again it makes her look lke a haughty, spolit and selfish, but sex-mad, milf.
Apart from that, she moves very well and it goes well with most music. She does appear to put a lot of effort in and shows a lot, or at least what I want to see. She also gives a few decent panty shots, which is what I like.
The only improvements are that I would have like to have more of the visible panty line from the back. Also the panties don't look as sexy in the show as they probably would look in real life because the pattern is too detailed. But I still appreciate the effort.
7 September 2008
Shame on you Totem and the director of this performance. This is a very lovely young lady who has performed well in the past. She was mis-directed and to allow her to give such a deadpan performance with un-flattering makeup coupled with the weird hairdo is a complete waste of both talent and the customers money.
1 February 2009
Lilian Tiger. What can I say about this card. she has the legs of a gymnast (definately a good thing!), the butt of a godess, and a halfway descent breasts. She also has the hair style of a rabid chipmonk on crack, and the makakup job of a unsuccessful bomb tester. (Boom!)
With all that being said she also, at times shows that she knows how to move seductively (Dance). There is also one time in the preformance that she is somewhat explicit (Trust me, its nice.)I like the outfit and think that the underwear was a perfect choice for her complection. Because of these things I have given her a 7.5/10
I'm looking foward to seeing what she can do on her other cards.
29 October 2008
This card is just way too high-brow. It screams "Look while you can, but I'm too far out of your league to hope for." Not exactly what you look for in a strip show.
25 July 2010
One of the best examples of ***** hairstyles and makeup.Don't know what they were thinking ,this is just a terrible look for her.Then you also add in her unfortunate ugly tattoos and this card is a no thanks.
5 November 2007
Liliane is absolutely stunning. She will always be my No. 1. :)
13 January 2011
I have avoided Lilianne's cards due to my not finding her attractive at all, however now I have watched this:
1- Don't like the hair do;
2- A girl just sat stroking her legs is BORING;
3- Where is the life in this girl? No spark or energy, she could be a robot just going through the motions;
4- As others have said, no smile, no emotion whatsoever;
Saying all that, the full strip isn't bad, there are worse cards than this and worse dancers, I will keep it but not rate it very high
26 May 2008
Not quite deleted, but almost always disabled. For me, the tattoo is the deal breaker. I wonder when girls will realise that clean bare flesh is much sexier that that spilled my ink pot over my arm/back/leg look. Liliane could have looked so much better.
12 August 2013
If you don't want to see a girl smile, this card is for you
I'm trying to like her more, I must watch the whole show
I always pick cute girls with nice ass and can move that body 10
20 May 2008
Damn. She is beautiful and sexy. I dont mind much that she isnt smiling. The show that she puts on is seductive and hot. I kinda like the moody look she has. She looks great and moves pretty well. I love the tattoos.
13 February 2008
Questo show non è granchè piccola!!! Dalla tua espressione sembra che l'abbia fatto controvoglia!!!??? Oppure dalla faccia che avevi sembra ti sia morto qualcuno!!! Posso dirti che è discreto ma nulla più, promette...poco ed offre ancora meno; eppure potenzialmente sei carina, non lo show però!!!
1 June 2008
She's very pretty but so po faced, it wouldn't ***** her to smile now and again, I bet she's a mean card player.
17 March 2008
Love the look and love the Tat's...Don't listen to what the others say your beautiful =) I have all of your shows and you have been great thus far so listen not to the Heathens. Much Love sent to you =)
1 January 2018
It is totally scandelous that Liliane is so under rated!
She is a very beautful woman and her performances are terrific!
14 March 2010
An avarage card, maybe not her best, but a good show. This girl has a potentially body and in this card I like her outfit, but she has always one big problem, she never smile, and this makes a sad show.
For this reason a give her a 6/10.
27 January 2008
I enjoyed the moves and her body but not much of a fan of the tattoos. She could have smiled and appeared to be enjoying the routine at least a little bit. Hope to see improvements in the future.
25 March 2008
Very pretty girl, great dancing but it is spoilt by her lack of expression, come on Liliane, I've seen some of you sex shows on other sites so I know you can do it!
3 December 2007
Very nice, and its great to watch her on my laptop. She brings the screen to life lol. x great work 11/10 five star*****
10 May 2009
Not her best card...I have to agree with the others, Liliane Tiger is very pretty and has a hot body, but I wish she would show more emotion...let a guy know that she is at least enjoying this and not just doing a job...or something.
1 December 2008
Sorry, but this really is boring. She reminds me of the Borg Queen from Star Trek...
6 June 2008
I begin with something good and afterwards less property. Sexy outfit! Very bad hairstyle, not enough feelings and expression, not enough movement to remain on my harddrive.
29 December 2007
Fair, but she can much better than that!
13 March 2011
moyen j ai pas tous regarder mais ces moyen parceque on dirait que tu a grave envie d arreter et en + tu souri jamais quasiment et tu fais un peu sa vite fai 6sur10 sai la note moyenne parceque ton show est pas mal pour les seins et tous sa ^^
11 January 2008
Great body, good moves, but like others have said she seems like a zombie walking through the set. There is no playfulness in the eyes, there is never a smile, and I'll admit the hair frightens me.
31 October 2020
Good dancing, but a very detached performance, and at times it looks as if Liliane is not having fun. Neither am I.
19 July 2009
She is an odd bird in this card, but I like her. She is sexy in a cold unemotional way. Might not be everyones cup of tea tho.
2 April 2009
I dont want to make anyone who likes her mad but.. Ok she is a very pretty girl with a great body, I would love to get her alone... She also has no personality at all, dead fish have more feeling then is shown by her face(in every card to). That tat is *****. She should stick to photo modeling. Great to looking at just let her move.
3 May 2011
i notice that you have the Tatoos on the wrong shoulder how could that be? your cards show the right but in the show its on the left what gives
22 January 2009
liliane tiger is a pretty woman, but she does not smile,looks like she is bored. so i give a 1 out of 10, not my lowest score given but close
28 June 2009
One of my least favorite models. No expression poor dancer, and all those tats are ugly.
1 July 2019
4 April 2010
My kind of girl and such a turn on.Would love to meet her or receive a message from her.
2 January 2009
Crazy hot body, but the performance was dead and the costume sucked. Glad it was a package card.
12 January 2008
Nice Body, Dead Eyes.
6 August 2009
I think she just may have been sent from the ***** John CONNER!!!!
Il y a 15 jours
Not my favourite show with Liliane!
21 January 2008
Well, those tattoos are not rellay necessary to watch
24 February 2010
I've seen her perform in movies, and expected her to be as sexy and involved and having fun as when she's doing the horizontal rhumba... instead it's simply not worth it.
31 May 2020
15 January 2008
I don't mind the dead eyes - I find that aloofness sort of sexy. On some girls anyways, not this one. The tattoos are nasty looking, I rated her a 3. Deleted from disk.....
29 December 2007
Different strokes for different folks I guess. I was always taught if I didn't have something nice to say, not to say anything at all. Maybe it's the hair, maybe the tattoos, but disabled on my system.
14 March 2008
nice show, but her face look so sad....
7 July 2017
I like her, but the set is not the best.
21 December 2008
Oh Dear! Dreadful. No smile. Not even sexy. What has happened to her face? Is it to do with the digitization or resolution? Such a disappointment to anyone who has seen her DVDs in Marc Dorcel Pornochic series, where she is so horny.
29 July 2020
6 December 2017
Ugly emotionless girl. Can't dance.
14 February 2013
beurk, I don't like tatoo on pussy => recycle bin
29 May 2009
If her hair wasn't screwy and she knew how to smile even a little (hell, any human expression whatsoever would be nice) she might be attractive.
14 February 2008
Dead eyes. nobody needs a zombie stripping here. simply the worst of all
3 January 2008
They say if you really want to know its in the eyes. In this case it is very much so. She has an excellent body and very sinous moves but it is all dead pan --- no life. Her eyes are dead pan and the only hint of a smile is when she was kissing off at the end of a set. If it is just a body you want this is a good show but if you are loking for personality you wont find it here.
28 January 2010
Liliane Tiger hersef is a beautifull sexy women and gets a 10.It´s a Scandal how badly she was styled in this show, hair and makeup are realy bad. She had so nice shows done, get them and you will like her a lot. Somehow you get the impression she was ***** into this hairstyle/makeup and looks because of that so sad.
11 June 2008
Liliane Tiger hat in dieser Show eine unmögliche Frisur, und ein hässliches Make-Up. Sie hat sehr nette Tattoos (Oberarm, Schulterblatt, über dem Po und über der Muschi), und die glattrasierte Muschi mit dem Tattoo darüber und dem Piercing in der Klitoris ist mal was anderes und sieht echt lecker aus. Rock und Oberteil sind nett, die Schuhe finde ich langweilig und der Slip passt nicht zum Outfit.
Die Show ist eher langsam und nur durchschnittlich.
(Wertung: 5 von 10 Punkten)
4 April 2019
Love the hair, love the smoking, love Liliane!
30 June 2018
She is a Goddess !
18 December 2020
wow very good
9 April 2016
Really not a fan of her, doesn't seem to have any personality. A shame because she's a very attractive lady.
un vrai monstre !!!!!
je vais la retirer de mon pc!!!
0 !
Elle a vraiment un corps magnifique et est très professionnelle, sa manière d'évoluer (presque) sans jamais sourire est une de ses particularités, on l'aime ou non (au vu de sa note, la plupart des gens non).
She seems to always choose odd hairstyles and makeup which only adds to her unique appeal. And anyone who's watched her knows she has a great body, particularly her legs and ass!
Her pace is definitely slow and methodical, but I think this is her best card. While she may not be anyone's top choice, I enjoy her different style and personality and this card is the perfect example of both!
I got her on my calendar and immediately afterwards downloaded Beatrix Acapulco Taste. So I have both running and dancing. It is like chalk and cheese. Both are good lookers but Beatrix knocks Liliane for dead becasue she is there having fun, teasing and engaging.
While I think Liliane is quite attractive and a very competent stripper, I can't stand her haircut, not fond of the tattoos and what's up with that chair? Liliane's got a great set of knockers and she wastes no time sharing them with us in the topless and nudity portions of this set of clips. Not really fond of the mons tattoo either...I prefer real hair down there. Overall, I will only give this group of videos 3 stars...we'll see if the other two shows can redeem her performance.
I find that her cold expression compliments the outfit as again it makes her look lke a haughty, spolit and selfish, but sex-mad, milf.
Apart from that, she moves very well and it goes well with most music. She does appear to put a lot of effort in and shows a lot, or at least what I want to see. She also gives a few decent panty shots, which is what I like.
The only improvements are that I would have like to have more of the visible panty line from the back. Also the panties don't look as sexy in the show as they probably would look in real life because the pattern is too detailed. But I still appreciate the effort.
With all that being said she also, at times shows that she knows how to move seductively (Dance). There is also one time in the preformance that she is somewhat explicit (Trust me, its nice.)I like the outfit and think that the underwear was a perfect choice for her complection. Because of these things I have given her a 7.5/10
I'm looking foward to seeing what she can do on her other cards.
1- Don't like the hair do;
2- A girl just sat stroking her legs is BORING;
3- Where is the life in this girl? No spark or energy, she could be a robot just going through the motions;
4- As others have said, no smile, no emotion whatsoever;
Saying all that, the full strip isn't bad, there are worse cards than this and worse dancers, I will keep it but not rate it very high
I'm trying to like her more, I must watch the whole show
I always pick cute girls with nice ass and can move that body 10
She is a very beautful woman and her performances are terrific!
For this reason a give her a 6/10.
Die Show ist eher langsam und nur durchschnittlich.
(Wertung: 5 von 10 Punkten)