Recently, Hilary C. has made a new card after being absent for 6 years ( my last card for her lists her age as 23, her new card lists her age as 29). I am thrilled to see that she is back and think the added years have made her more beautiful now than she was 6 years ago.
However, looking at her measurements, they are exactly identical to what they were 6 years ago. While that may be possible, I don't think it is likely that she hasn't put on a couple of pounds (which I happen to think is a good thing) or that her other measurements are identicle down to the 1/2 inch! I find it hard to believe that her weight is exactly the same day to day. let alone the same as it was 6 years ago!
I would like to suggest that iStripper be more accurate/honest with their reporting of a model's measurements and would also like to suggest that the model's cup size be documentated as well, as it is the most meaningful measurement of breast volume.