Dear All,
As announced earlier today, Totem's offices have ***** a big flood during the weekend.
3 to 5 centimeters of water everywhere, including in our computers and internal servers.
After a day of intense cleaning, it seems that there is more ***** than ***** and we're currently trying to bring back electricity to our internal servers.
The only impact is that we were unable to release today's show on time but it is indeed our top priority!
Most of us are working remotely for the moment, while others continue drying computers and all at the office.
Fortunately, all our front servers are abroad which guarantees you an uninterrupted service !
Still, this event might delay some operations on iStripper as well as VRParadise and Dolz, be sure that all measures have already been taken to avoid it.
We'll keep you posted here !
Thank you for your understanding !
The Totem team