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Trading card collection | tutorial to buy DOLZ tokens

  Forum / Tout sur iStripper

Inscrit en Sep 2007

1989 message(s)
9 November 2022 (edited)
Dear Members,

Here is a quick update about our Dolz's project 😊

The DOLZ token presale is coming your way on
The DOLZ crypto-currency will allow you to purchase all new iStripper trading cards from the NFT collection.
More than 60 iStripper trading cards have already been produced and ready to get released.

On November 23, you will be able to buy your DOLZ tokens for less than the original price, during the presales.
All participants in the presales will receive an exclusive NFT of Paola Hard in Epic & Legendary editions

➡ LisaParadis was kind enough to prepare a super comprehensive tutorial to assist you in purchasing DOLZ tokens, thanks a lot Lisa 🤗

3 simple steps to make sure you’re all set for Nov. 23:
  • How to create your wallet (Metamask)
  • How to buy your first crypto, ETH, and USDT by credit card or wire transfer.
  • How to buy DOLZ tokens on

Click here to watch LisaParadis' tutorial :

And do not hesitate to ask your questions, we're all ears!
(You can also contact Manue & myself by email on [email protected])

We would be delighted to have you on board for this major change in Totem's developments 😘🤗

Visit if needed :)
Inscrit en May 2019

54 message(s)
9 November 2022
I think it's a shame so many great shows are locked behind being NFTs.

I would gladly buy them for more than a normal show costs but NFTs ain't worth it.

I was considering giving it a try but after watching the tutorial video seeing how many tedious steps there is to even participate there's no way I'm gonna bother. I don't even understand half of it, its so complicated.

I hope they become available in a different way in the future, I really wanted the chef Eve Sweet show.
Inscrit en Jul 2020

1170 message(s)
9 November 2022
All participants in the presales will receive an exclusive NFT of Paola Hard in Epic & Legendary editions
Would have been nice to choose the NFT we could get. 😕
But I guess we can then trade it for one we do want. 👍
I'm still mulling over this whole project. 😐
Inscrit en Sep 2007

1989 message(s)
9 November 2022
Thanks for you feedback, @wrightsayswow !

Would have been nice to choose the NFT we could get.

Hm, unfortunately not this time :-P Out of curiosity, which one would you have chosen ? :-P
Inscrit en Aug 2017

1342 message(s)
9 November 2022
Je ne comprend pas pourquoi on nous fait de la publicité ici sur ce projet.

Je comprend que c'est un produit de Totem, mais je considère que c'est un tout autre produit.

S.V.P. Faite votre publicité sur la partie Dolz de discord et laissez nous tranquille avec cela.

Cessez d'ammenez les gens à vouloir investir dans la cryptomonnaie.
Inscrit en Sep 2007

1989 message(s)
9 November 2022
tedious steps

To be totally honest with you, I was afraid of that too at the very beginning, but frankly, these tools are super well done and it was finally super easy to set it all :)

Sometimes, it's more difficult to remember where I've hidden my seed phrase 😂
Inscrit en Sep 2007

1989 message(s)
9 November 2022
Je ne comprend pas pourquoi on nous fait de la publicité ici sur ce projet.Je comprend que c'est un produit de Totem, mais je considère que c'est un tout autre produit.S.V.P. Faite votre publicité sur la partie Dolz de discord et laissez nous tranquille avec cela.Cessez d'ammenez les gens à vouloir investir dans la cryptomonnaie.

Cher ComteDracula,

Il est important de tenir au courant les personnes qui pourraient être intéressées par cette nouvelle collection iStripper, dont les cartes auront l'avantage -tant réclamé depuis des *****ées- d'être échangeables.

Et les nouveaux arrivants sont tellement nombreux chaque jour sur iStripper qu'il est bien légitime de communiquer sur le forum de temps en temps. On ne peut pas dire qu'on vous harcèle tous les jours :)
Et en aucun cas nous ne cherchons à vous inciter à investir dans la crypto.
Inscrit en Jul 2020

1170 message(s)
9 November 2022
Out of curiosity, which one would you have chosen ?
Hmm good question - I've not kept up to date with all the NFT releases.
But if new lady Clemence Audiard has one, or Alissa Foxy perhaps.
Of course if dear Gloria ever returns, wow my choice would be easy. 😍
Inscrit en Sep 2007

1989 message(s)
9 November 2022
Ahhh Gloria... eclipsed hearts... 😍 if only she was here...

Yes, Clemence Audiard & Alissa Foxy have a NFT🔥❤️😍 Look at that :)
Inscrit en Sep 2015

30 message(s)
9 November 2022
Will some models end up being NFT exclusive?
Inscrit en Sep 2007

1989 message(s)
9 November 2022
je considère que c'est un tout autre produit

Hm, ce n'est pas exact.
Les cartes NFT seront lisibles dans iStripper...

Une carte NFT"common" est l'équivalent d'une carte iStripper "normale", avec sa liste de clips, ses 4 ou 5 niveaux d'érotisme, même durée de show, même présentation du modèle, etc...

Les cartes NFT Rares, Epic et Légendaires auront simplement des clips bonus supplémentaires.

La principale différence avec les cartes iStripper "non-NFT" est que les NFTs seront échangeables et que vous pourrez les vendre...
Inscrit en Sep 2007

1989 message(s)
9 November 2022
Will some models end up being NFT exclusive?

Nothing planned in this direction for the moment, no.
Inscrit en Aug 2017

1342 message(s)
9 November 2022
Even if they are read in the program, it is another product because the cards can only be purchased with your Dolz cryptocurrency.

This excludes all those people for whom this kind of currency does not suit their values for various reasons, among others ecological.

And we know that crypto-currencies have a high risk of loss. There is no protection for a person who invests in it, unlike regular currency. It's a speculative tool.

You don't want to ***** people to invest in cryptocurrency, you say, but you are promoting a product that can only be acquired through it.

It's like the SEC that can only be acquired through games. We are excluded from it, if the only way to get them does not suit us.

Même si elles sont lu dans le programme, c'est un autre produit car les cartes ne peuvent être achetées qu'à partir de votre cryptomonnaie Dolz.

Cela exclu toutes les personnes à qui ce genre de monnaie ne convient pas à leurs valeurs pour diverses raisons, entre autres écologiques.

Et nous savons que les cryptomonnaies sont à haut risque de perte. Il n'y a aucune protection pour une personne qui investie dans cela, contrairement à la monnaie régulière. C'est un outil spéculatif.

Vous ne voulez pas obliger les gens à investir dans la cryptomonnaie, dites-vous, mais vous faite la promotion d'un produit qui ne s'acquiert que par celle-ci.

C'est comme les SEC qui ne s'acquiert que par les jeux. Nous en sommes exclu, si le seul moyen pour les avoir ne nous convient pas.

Inscrit en Mar 2019

1353 message(s)
9 November 2022
Following up on @ComteDracula 's view on this being a separate product (which I can fully understand), will any purchased NFT cards show up in the members collection on the App, be counted in their totals and impact on people's appearance or position in the monthly Hall Of Fame?

Or will they be treated as a separate product like we treat the VirtuaGuy cards?
Inscrit en May 2008

71 message(s)
9 November 2022
I understand it! thanks! I'm in👍
Inscrit en Sep 2018

53 message(s)
9 November 2022
donc c'est des cartes/shows que via Dolz qui ne seront jamais ici en sortie "classique"?
Inscrit en Nov 2011

15 message(s)
9 November 2022
Honestly, I will not do it. Sorry, its just another way to get money and in a difficult way which has nothing to do with the app itself... and sounds realy strange.. especially with crypto currency. It looks like, we make money with glittering model cards.

Why touch this runing system? It works as it is. You bring out a show and we pay for it, so easy :)
Inscrit en Jul 2020

1170 message(s)
9 November 2022
@pickle1 perhaps we're going to need a Hall of Fame (a-f series), a separate one for the g-series, and maybe a combined all inclusive version.
Inscrit en May 2008

7 message(s)
9 November 2022
I dont post much, but since the crypto and NFTs are comming also here, I have two cents.

1) I found the idea of marketplace for trading collection cards as good. Since sooner or later all of us end with cards, which we do not necessary like to keep. Either from promotion actions, as a by product to get the one special card or simply our taste change. And be able to trade tham even in 10:1 for the one missing model card, which we missed to get or model that we discover late would be nice.

2) the NFTs has to much hype for me. I can imagine, that to push people to buy crypto, some cards will end NFTs only anyway, as we already have Special card for same reason to drop credits in different spend spreas to get tham. Which in my eyes is good product for Totem 💰, but it does not interest me at all 😕.
Inscrit en Sep 2018

53 message(s)
9 November 2022
je viens de regarder la fameuse video linké de "lisaparadis", donc faut faire 2 comptes pour acheter des dolz on peut pas en acheter directement sans passer par une crypto monaie ben oui pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliquer... si je ne veux pas de metamask...

Soi just watched the linked video of "lisaparadis", so you have to make 2 accounts to buy dolz you can't buy them directly without going through a crypto currency well yes why make it simple when you can make it complicated...if i don't want metamask...
Inscrit en Jun 2011

480 message(s)
9 November 2022
Je trouve aussi que tout cela fait très marché //

Je pense qu'il va falloir laisser du temps au temps pour que les gens acceptent l'idée de devoir renchérir (trading card collection) pour la possession du carte issues de ce marché quelque peu underground.

Et là vous en remettez une couche avec de cryptos à valeur de change non régulée.😆

Ça sent l'ufologie à plein nez vous venez d'une autre planète.😆
Inscrit en Jul 2012

3309 message(s)
9 November 2022
@Northstar17 - you ask

Why touch this runing system?

The answer is that it has not "been touched", it has not been changed in anyway by the existance of the NFT cards.

Now, the answer to the question "why introduce a new product?" is almost certainly that it is expected to be profitable.
Inscrit en Aug 2017

1342 message(s)
9 November 2022 (edited)
What I notice is that Totem often uses legitimate customer requests, such as exchanging cards with others from their respective collections, or allowing customers to have old SEC cards, which should no longer be available, to set up structures that serve more to enrich them, than to really meet the needs of those same customers.

Obviously there are some who like these new trends.

This leads to the two categories of customers that some people here anticipated when the Dolz and NFT project was announced.

The customers who have money and don't care what it costs, and the others, who don't have money to ***** or for whom it doesn't fit their values, and who just want to buy the cards for fun at a fair price. Not artificially inflated.

The problem is that, if they are not different products, the former are harming the latter by agreeing to participate in this; and this, no matter how negative the consequences may be on the customers in general, who may ***** heavy losses of money by engaging in this adventure.

There will be the regular iStripper, and the iStripper of the rich customers, who will be at risk of losing money, because Totem will not lose money. Let's just hope that this expansion will not be to the detriment of the regular iStripper customers.

Ce que je remarque est que Totem se sert souvent de demandes légitimes des clients, comme l'échange de cartes avec d'autres à partir de leurs collections respectives, ou permettre à des clients d'avoir d'anciennes cartes SEC, qui ne devaient plus être disponibles, pour mettre en place des structures qui sert plus à les enrichir, qu'à répondre vraiment aux besoins de ces mêmes clients.

Évidemment il y en a qui aiment ces nouvelles tendances.

Cela ammène les deux catégories de clients que certaines personnes ici avaient anticipé, à l'annonce du projet Dolz et NFT.

Les clients qui ont de l'argent et qui n'ont que faire de ce que cela va coûter, et les autres, qui n'ont pas d'argent à tirer par les fenêtres ou pour qui cela ne correspond pas à leurs valeurs, et qui veulent juste acheter les cartes pour le plaisir à un juste prix. Non gonflé artificiellement.

Le problème est que, si ce ne sont pas des produits différents, les premiers nuisent aux seconds, en acceptant de participer à cela; et ce, peut importe les conséquences négatives que cela peut avoir sur les clients en général, qui eux risque de subir de fortes pertes d'argent en s'engageant dans cette aventure.

Il va y avoir le iStripper régulier, et le iStripper des riches clients, qui risque de prendre de l'empleur, car Totem lui ne sera pas perdant. Espérons juste que cette expension ne sera pas au détriment des clients du iStripper régulier.
Inscrit en Feb 2019

34 message(s)
9 November 2022
its sad... i want these cards so badly, but forking out the cash for it is dangerous sice i really cant afford to buy it... its above my pay grade, in the back of my mind im telling myself im going to miss out on something awesome, but my logic is thinking its just another cash grab "pay wall" leave it be you cant have everything in life
Inscrit en Mar 2012

50 message(s)
9 November 2022
So many amazing cards ***** as NFT's...
I hope this DOLZ crap fails and they end up releasing them as regular cards (undiscounted to recoup their losses)
Inscrit en Sep 2018

53 message(s)
9 November 2022

There will be the regular iStripper, and the iStripper of the rich customers, who will be at risk of losing money, because Totem will not lose money. Let's just hope that this expansion will not be to the detriment of the regular iStripper customers.

Il va y avoir le iStripper régulier, et le iStripper des riches clients, qui risque de prendre de l'empleur, car Totem lui ne sera pas perdant. Espérons juste que cette expension ne sera pas au détriment des clients du iStripper régulier.

this will be the case since there will be cards available only for NFTs. If there was'nt this NFT system we would have had them on "classic" sale...

ca sera le cas vu qu'il y aura des cartes dispo que pour les NFT. Si il n'y avait pas ce systeme de NFT on les aurait eu en vente "classic"...
Inscrit en Jun 2012

744 message(s)
9 November 2022
High risk/high reward for totem like special event, but a little riskier. They are teasing the collectors and hoping that the addiction of collecting and having all cards overrides the reality that cards are overpriced dramatically. Eventually though, locking cards behind walls and making it harder to be a collector will drive people away from collecting, until there are fewer collectors, less income for totem. Special event was safer than this venture because totem just needed to pay a coder for the games and ui, in the case of dolz they are themselves investing into a collaboration with a volatile product. Hopefully it goes well because I love the base product and if collectors want to spend frivolously it can only help the base product.
Inscrit en Mar 2008

4048 message(s)
10 November 2022 (edited)
I see virtually no difference between exchanging cash for credits
Exchanging cash for Dolz coins.
with one middle step. Cash to a tradable crypto, then trade for Dolz.
And, yes you need a crypto wallet to manage and track your trades / exchanges.

The real difference is that the NFT has value to it.
It can be traded or sold.
where the iStripper cards do not.

Dolz and NFT changes nothing for iStripper.
A member can freely choose to participate or not.
Inscrit en Nov 2018

4 message(s)
10 November 2022
What will be the shows at the start of the sale?
Inscrit en Nov 2018

4 message(s)
10 November 2022
Will they have tags of what the shows include?

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