$5.99 on a monthly basis.
What a Bargain that is for members who haven't yet became a Premium member.
PLUS, for the launch, we offer 50 credits to each new subscription.
How can I verify if my actual yearly subscription will renew automatically
Where in the app can I subscribe to the monthly plan?
Where in the app can I subscribe to the monthly plan?
You can access the Premium subs at the top of your GUI, or from your profile page :)
If you cancel your Premium Membership, you won't be able to see your purchased shows in 4K anymore
Has anyone considered the idea of a small-ish monthly credit allowance for new subs? =)
Has anyone considered the idea of a small-ish monthly credit allowance for new subs? =)
Or, rather than that, a 20% price reduction - you know, something like what is currently given when you become a premium member. People always want more, more more.
20% Bronze
28% Silver
36% Gold
44% Platinum
48% Diamond
52% Double Diamond
56% Triple Diamond
ok so i'm currently at D.D. staus thats 52% and should i sub it'll add 20% more for a total of 72% off.
nor am i receiving that 48% or 52% you spoke of either hehe like i said its a good one =)
It is the Combined Discount at each level when you add the 20% Premium discount on top of your Level Discount.
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