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Black Friday Lottery WINNERS

  Forum / Tout sur iStripper

Inscrit en Feb 2015

227 message(s)
4 December 2019
***** to say I'm not a bastard.
Take it easy bro... He's just joking around, lighten up a's all good. And yeah Congrats to all you lucky bastards!!
Inscrit en Jan 2014

89 message(s)
4 December 2019
grats to all the winners
Inscrit en Jan 2008

384 message(s)
4 December 2019
Félicitations aux gagnants et heureux de ne pas en faire partie parce que cela semble truqué les résultats de cette loterie.
Celui qui est 1er est comme par hasard un Triple Diamond donc avec une collection déjà très importante donc cela ne vous coutera pas très cher la Team et qui en plus ne vient pas sur le forum.
Bonjour Amelly,

Permettez moi d'intervenir sur ce sujet.
Triple diamant ou bronze, cela ne change rien pour nous. Nous offrons tous les shows de 2020. On aurait même eu plus d'intérêt à faire gagner un membre qui pouvait encore acheter des cartes, ce qui n'est pas le cas de Blaze65.

Merci @Kaiju pour votre réponse 👍
En définitive si je comprends bien le grand perdant de ce Black Friday édition 2019, ce n'est pas le client mais... l'organisateur 😀
Revoyez votre copie pour l'*****ée prochaine parce que vous allez finir par y laissser des plumes 😄
Inscrit en Oct 2016

25 message(s)
4 December 2019

Sadly, poor @blaze65 will no longer have the fun of trying to determine which cards to buy in 2020. (Aren't those ***** purchasing decisions half the fun?) Our condolences go out to him.

Inscrit en Jan 2008

384 message(s)
4 December 2019
Par contre, avez-vous comptez combien d'argent vous avez perdu en essayant d'acquérir le plus de billets de loterie possible ?

C'est souvent ainsi dans les loteries, il y a peu de gagnants et les perdants, même si un jour ils finissent par gagner un prix, l'ont payé souvent très cher avec le temps.

À moins d'être vraiment chanceux, en gagnant presque du premier coup, et en ayant investi peu d'argent.

Je suis curieux de lire vos réponses.

Je réponds à ton message @ComteDracula en ajoutant soi-dit en passant que j'adore ton pseudo et ton avatar étant fan de la Hammer depuis de nombreuses *****ées mais cela est une autre histoire... 😉

Pour le Black Friday Edition 2019, j'ai rechargé mon compte parce que cela donnait un bonus de crédits, je suis passé Premium parce que cela donnait un bonus de crédits.
Pour le reste, j'ai dépensé peu d'argent ne trouvant pas les jeux très profitables en ma faveur.
Pour les cartes à gratter, la seule fois où j'y ai participé, je n'ai rien gagné et cela m'a dégouté d'avoir dépensé 10 crédits pour des prunes.
Le bandit manchot, j'y ai dépensé 11 crédits, en ai gagné 4 et n'ai acheté aucune cartes proposées avec une réduction de 10% parce qu'elles ne m'intéressaient pas.
Le 3e jeu, je l'ai complètement ignoré, il me proposait 75% de cartes de que je ne voulais donc cela n'aurait pas été un profit mais une perte pour moi.
Quand au calendrier de l'Avant 2019, j'ai décidé de ne pas l'acheter cette *****ée contrairement aux deux *****ées précédentes parce que la carte bonus (ou event) ne m'intéresse pas.
La grosse erreur de la Team cette *****ée a été de révéler cette carte avant sa sortie alors que si je ne me trompe pas, les *****ées précédentes, c'était une surprise, on ne savait pas vraiment quoi on allait obtenir.
Je pense avoir tout dit pour répondre à ta question.
Inscrit en May 2011

273 message(s)
4 December 2019
@Corbomite - don't let yourself be fooled to believe that there would be more than just a few thousands of active users here. If it would be several ten thousands or some houndred thousands then they would be very very happy and very profitable and the production cost would return within some days after a card is released. Those millions of registered users don't actively use their accounts. Of course I can not know for sure, but that's what I think. I think if you are here for more than a year and still hasn't done a single comment in this forum = no problems, no ideas, no opinion on anything, nothing to say at all about anything then you are either very lucky or secretive. If a single action on the forum, you go to the member directly as far as I think, and I can see some 15200 people there.
Inscrit en Jul 2018

248 message(s)
4 December 2019
748 Tickets or something like that. Not gonna lie this one *****. Congratulations to ALL the Winners!
Inscrit en Mar 2008

4060 message(s)
4 December 2019
@Corbomite - don't let yourself be fooled to believe that there would be more than just a few thousands of active users here.

Active Does not Mean members who have made a purchase.
Active Means a member who has the App Installed, and is using the APP, even if it is just for the Free Previews.

Every Active member received one Free ticket.

I think, and I can see some 15200 people there.
The member list, ONLY includes a member who made at least ONE forum post or Card Comment.
A Silent Member does not show up in the member list.
A silent member still received one Free Ticket..

So the number of Participants in the Lottery, may well be in the 100,000's or in the 1,000,000's

Inscrit en Nov 2007

44 message(s)
4 December 2019
not to be salty (slim chance of winning) but are all those ixxxxxx and vxxxxxx accounts real ??? But Congrats to the winners !
Inscrit en Jul 2012

3309 message(s)
4 December 2019 (edited)
@Marcelml1979 - yes they are (almost certainly) real. Everybody here has an account id of the form ixxxxxxxxx or vxxxxxxxxxx which was automatically allocated when they create their account. Most also have pseudonym of their own choosing - I for example am v19074050.
Inscrit en Apr 2019

21 message(s)
4 December 2019
Congratulations to the winners.

Had great fun with the games, got x2 Special events (one from my first scratch card!) and the Joker. Plus all the progressive packs, and still had enough to get the Advent Calendar when I was done.

Looking forward to next time.
Inscrit en Dec 2007

722 message(s)
4 December 2019
@Amelly (regarding the Advent calendar):
La grosse erreur de la Team cette *****ée a été de révéler cette carte avant sa sortie alors que si je ne me trompe pas, les *****ées précédentes, c'était une surprise, on ne savait pas vraiment quoi on allait obtenir.

English translation of the above (Google translator):
The Team's big mistake this year was to reveal this card before it came out, so if I'm not mistaken, in previous years it was a surprise, we did not really know what we were going to get.

I am not sure if this was a mistake. Last year the special card was "Olivia Sin - Happy New Year". Many users were dissapointed with the purchase of the calendar, saying they preferred to know what they would receive on December 25.
Inscrit en Jan 2012

13 message(s)
4 December 2019
I may not have won, but I can't *****. I got the special event cards I was missing as well as some cards I would have bought anyway. Congratulations to the winners!
Inscrit en Oct 2010

1249 message(s)
4 December 2019 (edited)
Congrats to all the winners!

To all those STILL ***** that it wasn't fair or whatever...

Doesn't matter how many tickets you had or the number of tickets in the field. The odds of winning obviously increase, the more you have but there is NEVER any guarantee, no matter how many tickets you had.

Let's put it in REAL perspective. I read years ago that the odds of winning the UK national lottery jackpot were approximately 14 million to one. That's the 6 from 49 lottery. Now let's say you were a billionaire and bought 13,999,999 unique tickets for fun. And let's say that the odds were EXACTLY 14 million to one.

What if the numbers drawn on that day were the combination you didn't have? Yeah, you'd win a share in all the lower prizes but NOT the big one. That's the definition of a lottery. So please stop whining and bitching about 'fixes' or special treatments or whatever. It was just PURE LUCK and nothing else 💰

My co-workers and I are buying a lottery ticket this week for the Spanish xmas lottery called, 'El Gordo' (The fat one). It costs 20 euros per ticket. Shared between 3 of us. No chance of winning but what if? 90 million 3 ways... yeehahaha!
Inscrit en Apr 2008

273 message(s)
4 December 2019
I wonder how many users will never know that they have a joker waiting for them.
Inscrit en Oct 2010

1249 message(s)
4 December 2019
Update: the actual odds of winning a 6 from 49 lottery are: 1 in 13,983,816
Inscrit en Jul 2012

3309 message(s)
4 December 2019 (edited)
@boan000 - its difficult to overlook a Joker card if you have one. It is always the first card on the "My Collection" page. I suppose that it is possible that someone never looks there but I doubt there are many.
Inscrit en Jan 2008

384 message(s)
4 December 2019
I am not sure if this was a mistake. Last year the special card was "Olivia Sin - Happy New Year". Many users were dissapointed with the purchase of the calendar, saying they preferred to know what they would receive on December 25.

@lukaszr when you receive a gift (Christmas, Birthday, etc...), you prefer to have the surprise or already know what it is?
Inscrit en Oct 2010

1249 message(s)
4 December 2019
when you receive a gift (Christmas, Birthday, etc...), you prefer to have the surprise or already know what it is?

Fair point... 😕
Inscrit en Oct 2010

1249 message(s)
4 December 2019
Hum, 27,000,000 users say times 19 entries would be about 513,000,000 to 1 congrads

WA posted his 'guestimate' on the number of tickets allocated and he's probably not far off, knowing him... However. My point still stands. Even if there were only NINE people with a ticket and there were a possible TEN to be drawn, there might be NO winner. 😭
Inscrit en Mar 2016

1007 message(s)
4 December 2019 (edited)
Personally, I am instead more than happy about Black Friday this year. I played only scratch cards and, without loosing too many credits (since, as also other members reported, odds did for sure get better for users, on this black weekend) I did get Jia Lissa's exclusive card, a Joker card and I also won two more exclusive cards.

About Advent calendar, I am more than happy about Team's decision to reveal in advance the exclusive card we will get. I find it to be the right move, and can also tell that such an information had a quite important role in my decision to buy the calendar.

By the way...
when you receive a gift (Christmas, Birthday, etc...), you prefer to have the surprise or already know what it is?
Without any doubt, I prefere to already know what it is, in such cases too.
Inscrit en Oct 2010

1249 message(s)
4 December 2019
I find it to be the right move, and can tell that this information had a quite important role in my decision to buy the calendar.

Also a fair point. A duo card being as rare as hen's teeth these days means that many members may be more inclined to buy early... And they are special girls too! 😛
Inscrit en Jun 2012

744 message(s)
4 December 2019
Gambling by nature isn't are trying to "steal" from the company by getting vastly more than you pay. And the company is attempting to steal from you by providing you less than you pay. The company sets the odds though so you will always lose. That is why gambling is viewed pretty horribly through history. It is addictive and always leaves one party angry and the other feeling as if getting something for nothing is a good thing, which it never is. I imagine some people understand that the rush/hope of gambling is the real reason to do it...the actually winnings are superfluous or destructive(as it pertains to lottery winner). I feel totem can be forgiven because they are also giving massive discounts to cards to help people build their collections, which in turn give permenant discounts.
Inscrit en Dec 2007

722 message(s)
4 December 2019
@lukaszr when you receive a gift (Christmas, Birthday, etc...), you prefer to have the surprise or already know what it is?

This is not about me and my preferences. Tell that to people who ***** about the advent calendar and the special event card last year.
Inscrit en Jan 2008

384 message(s)
5 December 2019
Okay @lukaszr I understand what you mean 😉
After if I prefer Event Card as surprise in the advent calendar is my choice and because of that the Team is looser because no subscrition this year for me with calendar.
Inscrit en Jan 2008

384 message(s)
5 December 2019
***** to say that their would be a winner @Rex & @Totem

J'ai une bonne raison maintenant d'aller taper sur @Rex lol 😛😄😂
Inscrit en Nov 2018

3 message(s)
5 December 2019
Congrats to all the winners!
Inscrit en May 2011

273 message(s)
5 December 2019
If that was so, then it was a pretty comfortable choice to give the free Jockers mostly for accounts who have not even logged in since ages, there4 most probably they won't even use the card they won. Big numbers do that automatically without maniplulation of the randomness. I can not agree to put those people into the lottery who have not even took part in these games. It is disrespectful with those ones who played and spent plenty.
Inscrit en Jul 2012

3309 message(s)
5 December 2019 (edited)
@goodwolf - which post are you replying to? It does not seem to be any of the last few in this thread. If you are familiar with Heinlein then TANSTAFL applies.
Inscrit en May 2011

273 message(s)
5 December 2019
WA was answering to mine.

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