Is there a way to change the offered cards in the FreePacks Bonus?
Even I should know it better. I just bought the 2nd DiscountPack towards the 1st FreePack. And I already regret this act.
The 1st Pack was fine. The 2nd was it more or less. Beside two good cards, there was "jayme langford / light in the dark". In general also a nice card, even the available movie of it looks nice. But finally the quality of the show (even it is from 2017), *****. Mainly talking about the colorization. Completely unnatural and bad looking. Especially in the comparison with the movie. From my opinion, this is just not well processed after the movie take (but maybe I'm wrong). Anyways, even of that I decided, to buy the 3 cards in the hope, this will be once fixed/corrected.
And finally the next set of cards included "Angel Diamonds & Sicilia / Duo" ONLY Standard Quality rating, especially poor in quality, probably not even a set I would buy in "high" quality. Actually a set I wouldn't even "buy" for free (except I could completely remove it from my collection). As I want my collection clean of unwanted cards, as far as possible.
So without the ability of redraw the cards, for me this bonus already ended with loss, before getting any free card.
I personally would wish a feature to be able to fully exclude certain type of cards depending on chosen Quality, Year. While this exclusion is applied overall. Meaning in the downloaded Demos, in the featured carousels, in free and bonus offers.
PS: please see my posting as constructive critic, even it may be interpreted as just angry concerning. e.g. the card of jayme. Why do you even publish something like that? I mean seeing alot older, quality upgraded card, on some of them you really did a great amazing job. So it seems, you're defenitly able to do a great job, and do it also.. somestimes or often, but sometimes you don't. Then it feels more like just probably batch-processed, and no one really cares about the output. I don't expect everything to be perfect. but nearly as possible.
and if there is not enough time/resource to do that, I'm sure some of the community will be happy to help, if there is a possibility.