What RCKH said...ditto...
Issue fixed.
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Vulgar Language removed...
This is why it would be so much simplier to offer across the board discounts for the weekend. Just do 50% for the weekend you'd generate far more income that these promotions filled with glitches.
@Jinn86 -They could just do it during Black Friday weekend, instead of every weekend.
This is why it would be so much simplier to offer across the board discounts for the weekend. Just do 50% for the weekend you'd generate far more income that these promotions filled with glitches.
if I remember correctly and it has been done ot least once but it works only if used at unpredictable intervals. If it was used every weekend then we could rely on getting a 50% discount just by waiting four days before purchasing any cards, the sales of cards at full price would plumet and there would be little of no increase in salses for the week to compensate. In general a business will not tell its customers that if they delay buying then they will pay less.
Yup it's Ms. Alyssia Kent, Splurging
There is plenty of time left. So if one has time to check the future offers out I am sure that these latest two, bugged, offers return. Hopefully fixed.
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