Hey all! First time poster and loving my experience with IStripper so far. Long time forum lurker though, and a former Virtuagirl user who lost his account eons ago. Only disappointing thing has to be the lack of variety with models!
I grew up in Europe, so believe me when I say I've had my fill of assorted, wafer thin, blondes and brunettes from Eastern Europe! Nevermind ethnic diversity, could we at least get some geographic diversity here?
You know what sets great strip clubs apart from the rest? Variety and quality. The addition of Luna Corazon is a great sign for the future, but look at the new girls being casted! One step forward two steps back! We need more black women, asian women, and women of races and ethnicities we haven't even see on this platform before! Get them on here in crystal clear quality, doing XXX shows if possible. It's not as if there are a shortage of starlets out there - porn has never been more popular yet less lucrative.
No chance of me getting to diamond, or even platinum with the roster as it stands :'( What stands in the way?