HmmmI don't really understand ... The previous posts are not really helpful.In this case you have to tell us what you can't exactly Understand from here
You usually have to restart the app to get it to cache the new png file before you can view it on the app and carousel's.I completely forgot about that.
Base = #f8f8f8 ; Background for all windows. Should be the same as Window.After every change, because i want to see the result immediately
AlternateBase = #e8e8e8 ; Alternate background.
Text = #656565 ; Foreground for all windows. Should be the same as WindowText.
Window = #f8f8f8 ; Should be the same as Base.
WindowText = #656565 ; Should be the same as Text.
Button = #e9b024 ; Background of regular buttons.
ButtonText = #ffffff ; Foreground of regular buttons.
Shadow = #000000 ; Shadows under windows.
Dark = #373737 ; Background of title bar in windows.
Mid = #a8a8a8 ; These 3 colors can be used for gradients, separators... Should be from darkest to lightest.
Midlight = #b6b6b6
Light = #d9d9d9
Highlight = #e9b024 ; This color is used when mouse is over a window.
HighlightedText = #ffffff ; Reserved for future use.
Link = #0000ff ; Reserved for future use.
LinkVisited = #ff00ff ; Reserved for future use.
ToolTipBase = #ffffff ; Tooltips.
ToolTipText = #000000
NowPlaying = #269d61 ; Special colors for card's states.
Preview = #4090d5
FullShow = #e72e4a
New = #06c3f8
NewRelease = #e72e4a
Update = #e72e4a
Deleted = #373737
Aborted = #e72e4a
StickerText = #ffffff
Ich war wahrscheinlich schon zu müde ... habe es jetzt aber verstanden was ich tun muss... Ich danke dir für deine HilfeI will translate that for you.👍
Ja in diesen Momenten klemmt dann schon manchmal der automatische DE<->EN -Umschalter im KopfJa Holla die Waldfee
Not only the smileThat's for sure😉
find . -type f -iname \*_custom.png -delete
I Love❤️ these Shots from that Deep and Close Cameraangle.
To the Directors/Photographers, Please keep that up👍
Since I'm a full Collection guy this will take me AGES!!!
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