I’m with WA when it comes to Nessa’s boobs; not very attractive. I’m trying to talk 1 of my friends out of doing the same thing when she upgrades next month; she wants to go under the muscle, DD. (I call those BDB’s - BlowupDollBoobs.)
The rest of Nessa appeals to me. Her face is interesting, love her hair. She has a very nice waist-to-hips ratio. And I like ‘em skinny (like ‘em curvy too, with dramatic silhouettes).
I PMed Brudermurus soon after he posted to let him know his photo would probably be struck down, and to say that I would carry his girl to the Plats, if he wants more member input. So we may see more of her.......
If you like Nessa, the link provided by WA is a winner.