Having upgraded to 99c I just realized that Classic cards can now be enlarged to 180 per cent in "full mode"! (Previously I was only able to get 110 per cent).
This almost completely negates my major problem with Classics, i. e. "too small" to enjoy fully!
Though 'fuzzy" ( at my time in life I'm getting used to seeing "fuzzy" more in general, so less of a big deal)they are more watchable.
I think I will re-download some of the cards I'd bought but deleted due to size & just might be a prime customer if Totem ever considers doing a "1 tix for all" sale like they did for DeskBabes!
(I can dream but am not holding my breath)
Still...When Zuzana lifts that cheerleading skirt I CAN NOW ACTUALLY SEE HER PUSSY!!
Nice to discover new treats like this!
Thanks Totem!