I downloaded virtualgirl yesterday and two out of five i find totally not sexy as natalie blond demo card she looks great but it totally sucks as i could probably find a nun to expose more than she does. Laetitia is too chunky although i realize some people like larger women and may find her attractive like in that movie where the guy is totally blind, shallow hal. If laetitia would start exercising and not overeat than she has the potential ability to shed about 10-12 pounds, she then would fit in with the rest of your beatiful models. I really wish you would screen your models before giving them as demmos. I'd ***** to see how simon cal would judge this selection. The fact of the matter is if she would have been displayed on your introductory website and i would'nt have seen any of the others than i would not have became a member. Sorry -------- laetitia. Natalie blond, i think you better take a few lessons on being temptatious from maybe mellisa or jana h or maybe morgane.
EDIT this is the second time I have edited the topic title, Edit my edit again and you'll find yourself on a vacation from posting ;)