I for one think the addition of Sounds is fantastic.
I like the fact too, that on the Desktop settings screen you can un-check the sounds to turn them off, if you need to be a bit "more discrete"
As to the Levels of Eroticy, I think everyone has to keep in Mind, that Deskbabes is an ADULT rated product.
Remember that ADULT disclaimer you agreed to when you first sign in?
So anytime you choose to play a Deskbabes card, you should expect ADULT content.
It's a Different Product than VGHD was.
Sure, One Software app will play both card sets,
But DeskBabes wasn't intended to be Soft Core.
And quite frankly, I don't think it should be toned down.
The fact that some clips aren't as x rated as others is what makes the lower levels plausible.
They weren't filmed with the intent of being soft core.
So Keep that in mind when playing your Deskbabes cards.
It's Meant to Be an ADULT product.
So don't be shocked if you see something erotic happen on screen.
Now lets get back to Watching some erotic girls on your desk top.
Woo Hoo!