It will be important to have each new babe on DB's doing AT LEAST one hot & sexy, solo card with a COMPLETE performance, tease & please, seductive AND raunchy, like Marie's cards on VGHD +++ Plus dildo! I want to see real sexy dance along with the girl/girl seduction stuff too. Totem should realize that THIS is going to bring more VGHD folk & newbies into the DB's fold as WE CANNOT GET THIS KIND OF SEXY STRIPPING ANYWHERE ELSE!(no matter where you run t' git yer porn)I just luv this explicit stripping style! (but it's gotta be SEXY & COMPLETE!)
Let the girls move it & groove it with fingers flying in & out, pussy & mouth,doin' bend overs, ass & pussy pumpin' galore please!! THEN the graduation into the DB's duos will have some evolutionary flow & *****. Explicit stripping will be most important on the DB's site as these ARE BOTH stripper oriented sites and a stripper oriented clientele/member base.
When VGHD faded it's explicit content on Natali & Mia I went looking for their porn stuff. While I found quite sexy dildo & girl/girl play out on the web I never found the explicit stripping, tease & please, that is/was available here. So for me, that has got to be in to have DB's work really well!
For VGHD I feel if Totem focuses on new babes AND allows a good deal of explicity they will have the cutie pie niche for those who want that. I will buy models who look & dance sexy, especially if they are "VGHD only" choices & perform sexy enough seductions.
I will no doubt, buy both once I get a new computer with a 1 TB storage capability.
Ironically, I just heard that the card sizes will be HUGE (700 MB's!)& might be out of reach for dial-up!(my comp now sometimes fails to complete a 400 mb download)The idea of taking 4 days to download 1 card might put a damper on my enthusiasm.
Maybe the new computer & all it's up to date new tech will be enough to outperform the old one in this realm of stability at least, if not speed!
But please...have all babes strip sexy on both sites!!