Resizing Scenes?
Tout sur iStripper
27 October 2023, 12 réponses
Here is the scene file. Appreciate any guidance on what to change to solve the above issue.
logo: logo/small_logo_whisper.png
splash: logo/large_logo_whisper.png
text: logo/address.txt
// Scenes are described with a nodes tree.
// Each node have properties.
// Nodes are displayed by order of apparence in the script.
// Your scene must contains one or more 'clip' nodes.
// Clip nodes can 'allow' or 'deny' some clips types.
// You must have 'clipSprite' nodes for seeing clips in your scene.
// The first clip is the master clip.
clip {
id: Center // Clip's id, choose your own.
deny: table, top, cage, pole // Existing types: table, behindtable, fronttable, pole, inout, cage, top.
nameGlowColor: 1, 1, 1 // RGB (O to 1 for each composant).
clip {
id: LeftGirl
allow: pole
nameGlowColor: 1, 1, 1
clip {
id: RightGirl
allow: pole
nameGlowColor: 1, 1, 1
// 'texture' nodes are your images.
// The 'source' property is the image. The path must be relative to your scene
// file. If the path is a directory, the image is chosen randomly in the
// directory at the begining.
// You can also choose 'filter' for the quality of the scale: nearest or linear
// witch is default.
texture {
id: MyBackground
source: multi/3eme_plan.png
filter: linear // Existing filters: linear or nearest.
texture {
id: MyMask
source: multi/2eme_plan.png
texture {
id: MyForeground
source: multi/1er_plan.png
// Camera must be father of all nodes to render.
// It can be 3D or 2D. If you choose 2D, you must specify the 'size' property.
// 'angle', 'pos' and 'target' are only used in 3D cameras.
// 4 node's types are used in this scene:
// 'clipSprite' are instances of the clips.
// 'clipNameSprite' are instances the clip's names.
// 'sprite' are instances of images.
// 'light' are the lights of the scene.
// One or more 'animate' properties can be added to nodes.
// animate: duration in seconds, repeat mode, movement curve, property, amplitude.
// Available repeat modes:
// forward, backward, loopforward, loopbackward, pingpong
// Available movement curves:
// Linear, InQuad, OutQuad, InOutQuad, OutInQuad, InCubic, OutCubic, InOutCubic, OutInCubic,
// InQuart, OutQuart, InOutQuart, OutInQuart, InQuint, OutQuint, InOutQuint, OutInQuint,
// InSine, OutSine, InOutSine, OutInSine, InExpo, OutExpo, InOutExpo, OutInExpo,
// InCirc, OutCirc, InOutCirc, OutInCirc, InElastic, OutElastic, InOutElastic, OutInElastic,
// InBack, OutBack, InOutBack, OutInBack, InBounce, OutBounce, InOutBounce, OutInBounce,
// InCurve, OutCurve, SineCurve, CosineCurve, BezierSpline, TCBSpline, Custom, NCurveTypes
// The property is the property to animate. For example, you can animate rot, pos, ambient...
// Followed by the number of parameters of the property. For example, ambient have 3 parameters (RGB).
camera {
type: 3D
angle: 45 // Vertical field of view in degrees within a window.
pos: -80, -560, 1180 // Camera (Eye) position x, y, z.
target: -40, -560, 0 // Camera target position.
ambient: 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 // Ambient color (RGB) for nodes with material.
animate: 40, PingPong, InOutSine, target, 80, 0, 0
animate: 40, PingPong, InOutSine, pos, 160, 0, 0
animate: 20, PingPong, InOutSine, pos, 0, 0, 120
// The background
sprite {
pos: 0, 0, 20 // Node position in 3D (x, y and z).
rot: 0, 0, 0 // Node rotation in degrees (x axis, y axis and z axis clockwise).
hotspot: 0.5, 1.0 // The anchor of the sprite (0, 0 for topleft corner, 0.5, 0.5 for center and 1, 1 for bottomright corner).
source: MyBackground // This is the id of the texture. Has been created using texture node.
blend: false // true or false. true by default, turn it to false if transparency is not needed. It improves performance.
// Reflections of the secondary clip on the floor.
clipSprite { // LeftGirl clip reflection.
pos: -680, -470, 20
rot: 180, 0, 0
scale: 1, 1, 1 // Scale of the node x, y, z.
source: LeftGirl // This is the id of the clip. Has been created using clip node.
standingHeight: 450 // Expected height of standing clips. The sitting clips are scaled accordingly.
opacity: 0.3 // Opacity of the node from 0 (Completly transparent) to 1.
clipSprite { // RightGirl clip reflection.
pos: +670, -470, 20
rot: 180, 0, 0
scale: -1, 1, 1 // Negative scale for mirroring.
source: RightGirl
standingHeight: 450
opacity: 0.3
// Left secondary clip
clipSprite {
pos: -680, -470, 20
source: LeftGirl
standingHeight: 450
color: 1, 0.9, 0.9 // Indicates the color filter of the node...