I cannot figure out how to unhide cards that I have hidden with this release of the software without clicking on any girl's collection and then manually unhiding any cards I have hidden. This is fine if I know which girls have hidden cards, but if I have forgotten which models have hidden cards, I would have to go through every model manually to see if there are any hidden cards using this method. Older releases of the software had a way to show these cards, but I cannot figure out how to do it with this version, and none of the forum topics concerning this are applicable to this version.
Also, if for some reason I would hide all of any given model's cards, I believe she and her cards would completely dissappear from my collection with this latest version of the software. I've considered doing this for Jennifer Galbina, but I want the option to quickly restore her cards to my collection, if I should later decide to do so.
I've had iStripper uninstalled for a very long time due to hardware issues, and other reasons, and am just now reinstalling after a very long hiatus from all things VGHD, so I am way behind the curve here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.