I'm not sure to understand. If you use the same account the encryption is the same so the files you downloaded will work whether they are on an external or internal drive. If you tell the app to look for cards where they are, you should not need to re-download them unless some have been updated.
On your new computer, you will need to install iStripper, log in with your account then go to
Settings, check the little case
Advanced Settings (top left). At this point you have to go down on the page and look for the
Data section, click on the button
Change folder to add any location you want for the stored cards files (for ie: your mobile drive).
If you meant the data for the cards (xml files and card pictures) which is about 2.45Gb for a full collection they are located by defaut in C:\users\[your_user_name]\AppData\Local\vghd\data. So, you need to make a backup of all the subfolders that correspond to the istripper cards. Their names start with axxx, bxxx, cxxx, dxxx, exxx, fxxx and there is a folder called: "cache5" you can ignore it.
If you had some custom musics, playlists, scenes or skins you can as well backup these subfolders : musics, playlists, scenes, skins. Best way is to use an archiver like zip/rar/7zip this would save a lot of space and preserve the timestamp of the files.
If you want to go further and save some personnal settings, well it's a bit more complicated but not that much I could explain how to do it.
If I remember
@LukaszR has made some command tools you may have to check this thead :
Everything about iStripper / Settings Manager for iStripper
Hello. Over the past few afternoons, I've been working on a tool that may find interest among you. I called it Settings Manager. What does it do? Here is a quote from the manual: Settings Manager is a...