@Z22....have suggested previously that they create a interpolator or allow smooth video project to hook into the player...
Now I'm ***** about where/if there's interpolation happening on iS files.
I thought that the player used the cpu to size the frame at 30fps, which is the rate of the movie file, and the graphics card interpolates to 60fps, to fire it down the DP cable to the TV. Is that correct, or does the TV do the interpolation? Maybe I'm just imagining that there is any interpolation happening at all, but even old cards look pretty smooth to me (even if 720p is a bit fuzzy).
And, if it's the TV/monitor that does the interpolation, how can the iS player make that work? I thought that modern TVs took whatever they were given and automatically did the best they could with it (i.e. interpolated to the max rate of the screen).
Even if the player interpolates to 120fps as you suggest, isn't the limit of a DP cable 60fps? I really don't understand what's happening and where, let alone what Totem could do to make it better.