Excellent sale, though is there a way to see all of the cards that are on sale with this promotion, outside of the few that are on the featured tab?
As cliché as it sounds, Christmas season's color is redAlso green if the Christmas themes are anything to go by.
@PseudoUnKnown - in other businesses the purpose of such special offers often to to induce customers to buy older stock that is no longer selling as well as it once did. Businesses typically do not discount new items because to do so would reduce the overall profit that would be expected from them. They first sell as much as they can at full price and only when the sales begin to drop off do they reduce prices. I do not see why anyone should expect Totem to do otherwise.This wasn't meant to be directed at Totem's sales. They waited til December to do the holiday specials. I do apologizefor that. Maybe the stress is getting to me, but it's cause I'm somehow annoyed with the other businesses doing the sales months in advance as a lot of it is more about greed anymore.
Mystery woman... please, reveal yourself... quite literally! ;)
Q: I want to know everything?
I am serious, I have this crazy obsession, I don't want to know ALMOST everything, I want to know everything there is to know! is it possible? all the secrets of the universe? possible beings on other planets? etc..?? HOW?
A: You will never learn everything, but you do already know everything. Our souls have access to all knowledge called the Akashic Records. you can access these records if you study the escoteric arts like metaphysics and learn how to use your mind and connect with your soul.
The good news is, that learning and growing never stops. When you reach one level of understanding, another level pops up in front of you and makes itself present. This is because God designed the universe this way...nobody wants to know absolutely everything...not EVERYTHING! If you did, you would be bored.
Remember "Q" from Star Trek: The Next Generation? Q was a group of super advanced beings that knew absolutely everything. They were dead bored with knowing everything and nothing new to challenge them or do or learn or experience. That is why "Q" stepped outside the "Q," to act like God and drive Captain Picard nuts...sort of anyway, LOL.
Your desire to know everything is the basis of all desire itself, it is your closest contact with God, who, God also, wants to know everything...so much so, God lives through all of us, learning day by day as life proceeds forward and we experiment and decide and choose. This is what makes life worth living. The discovery NEVER ENDS :)
Your desire to know everything is the basis of all desire itself, it is your closest contact with God, who, God also, wants to know everything...so much so, God lives through all of us, learning day by day as life proceeds forward and we experiment and decide and choose. This is what makes life worth living. The discovery NEVER ENDS :)
Seriously? Omniscient, right? Try a different approach.
Quoting science fiction such as the 'Q' continuum from Star Trek as a valid explanation is a total non-sequitur. These things only exist in the minds of their creators to make great TV shows...
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