Thanks first of all for the offer and a year of great shows and innovations that made me "reconnect" to istripper after a longer break...
As to the offer, I just did the maths as to the cost with my single diamond account, and ended up that all 100 shows (regardless of the discussions above whether you'd be interested in all of them or not) would cost me 1077,5 credits, so 10,7 credits per show as opposed to the 16,25 I pay with my usual 35% discount. In other words, I'd save about 578 credits, which would regularly get me 33 shows.
Meaning, at least for a single diamond customer, going the whole way with the booster packs means a reduction of about 1/3 of the price for all of the shows. Which is not bad, if you are prepared to purchase +1000 credits in two days which I might not be, I have to admit (also given that I don't know for what kind of shows' Id be in for with all of the packages).
Interestingly, it is an offer that pays off percentage-wise better if you have a smaller regular discount, if I am not mistaken, since the regular discount is deducted from the discounted price, so that the regular discount (depending on how many cards you have) gets you less off the price to which the reduction (24,28,32, etc.) is already applied. Don't mean that as a criticism but just that is notable that is a different outcome than if the regular discount and the discount from this offer would be added up and applied (which might end being not very profitable if a lot of single, dual, or triple diamond customers went all the way with the packages).
Hope this is somewhat informative to anyone who might be interested. Not really a math geek, despite appearing otherwise, so please call me out if I got everything wrong.
Anyways, have a great 2017 everyone! In my books, Istripper can continue as is, only the world around it needs to change...