I noticed something else about this that may or may not be considered a "bug" by others.
It seems that if I go into settings and click the "advanced" box, I can then select "progressive hotness". Doing that usually (for me at least) starts the shows at fully clothed and then the girls mostly work their way to more skin and less clothes as you would normally expect a strip club type show to go. (Like Emu says it sometimes doesn't work that way either - it is annoyingly random in that respect).
However selecting "progressive hotness" also seems to override the selection just above it for "levels of eroticism". Suppose I don't really want to see the girl fully clothed to start with so I de-select "no-nudity" but leave the rest selected. If I don't have "progressive hotness" checked then I seem to get just a random clip from the show and most of the time in my experience the girl appears totally nude (or more if XXX clip) at first and then it regresses to more and more clothes as the show moves on.
So, in comes "progressive hotness" to fix that, right? However in clicking progressive hotness, it then greys out the "levels of eroticism" window on my system and the shows all seem to start from the beginning at fully clothed even if I have that de-selected in "levels of eroticism".
To my way of thinking "progressive hotness" should start at whatever the lowest level checked in "levels of eroticism" is and then move on from there. However, my system always seems to start at the very beginning at fully clothed regardless of my choices in "levels of eroticism".
So, for me at least, it seems to be one or the other and not one modifying the other like I think it should be.
Now, obviously I wouldn't be using this software if female nudity were a problem however it seems to defeat the stated purpose of the software if the shows start at fully nude or more and then regress to more and more clothes as the show goes on.