Dear members,
We have been working on the new version of VirtuaGirl for several months now; this project, previously known under the code name "Virtuagirl 4", today lives an even deeper change as we have decided to fully "rebrand" our new version! And a rebranding starts with a name change!
Why iStripper ?
First, to avoid the ***** -often made with VirtuaGirl- due to the term "virtua" which evokes "virtual reality", because, as you know, our girls are very real!
Secondly, with « iStripper » we come back to our "striptease" DNA. iStripper is the name that best summarizes our core business.
And last but not least, with iStripper, we want to give our product a second youth and make our community grow again.
Be reassured, this rebranding won't change anything to your VIP privileges or collection of cards - yours forever, and VirtuaGirl site & software will be maintained in parallel of istripper during all the beta phase.
Of course, this name change comes with a lot of improvements that we will detail in the next couple of days.
Beta coming soon on