A Reprise
Update of some earlier stuff which alas is buried in time..
My celebration of
@TheEmu 's Carousels work circa 2017ish.
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Revisit of ArtShare - RRGameDevelopment scenes with corrections.
Same name zip at the time unfortunately may have had the .scn files set too
deep to play when peeps tried to extract it direct to ../scenes..if so, srry my Bad :-/
Main refreshments today are:
- changed the color profile of a plethora of scene pngs to sRGB.
- reset directory structure in zip for extract direct to ../scenes
- altered zip addy to https
https://scenes.virtuastripper.net/ETGamedev02.zipzip size = 82.3 Mb Extract straight to ../scenes folder only.
Allow merged folders and to overwrite same name files.
NB: The game was written as four scenes a, b, c & d meant to be
played leaving only those 4 scenes active, to enable random starts.
into your browser.