View from another MOD.
Unless we get numerous complaints from the Member base.
( it's flooding the top 50... all I see is thread xxxxxxx )
I would let it take it's course..
Part of the forum is to have fun, and if members enjoy this sort of thing, without it getting out of hand.
I am okay with letting it run it's course.
Also, just because this is a porn related site, there can be Off topic threads that interest members too.
I look at all of the forum in the same perspective.
Does it ***** Totems T&C?
is it just Spam?
is it Flooding the forum?
do members have an interest in it?
how many complaints have I got, and, are they valid complaints?
threads in question I would normally discuss with the team and MODs
depending on why we question it..
maybe a PM to the OP to try and fix it..
or if it is just a complete ***** - BAN it without discussion.
I would Normally have this type of discussion in private, but thought the community should know how I look at things.
It's not always a case of black and white..