@JayZ971 - You needed to put the clipNameSprite in a gap between scene elements, not nested inside a clipSprite. I would suggest putting it immediately after the closing "}" character of the clipSprite.
I uploaded the Content from one of my Scenefiles, check it out😉
pos: 500, 500Value for Girl02. At the moment both Names are laying on top of each other :)
what would be the values for each girl ?Do it like myself, just Testing it out through changing these Values :)
@JayZ971 - also the clipNameSprites, like all scene elements, should be inside the camera node - i.e. pkaced before what had been the closing "}" character if the .scn file not after it as you seem to have done.
@JayZ971 - for the X component of each clipNameSprite's pos: clause I would suggest that you use the same value that was used for the X component of the pos: clause in the corresponding clipSprite. This will vertically align each girl with her name.
clipNameSprite {
scale: 1.5
pos: -350, 0, 1
rot: 0, 0, -45
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
source: MyClip
color: 0, 0, 0
animate: 0.12, PingPong, inoutbounce, color, 1, 1, 1
animate: 0.24, PingPong, inoutbounce, color, 1, 1, 0
animate: 0.36, PingPong, inoutbounce, color, 1, 0, 0
animate: 0.48, PingPong, inoutbounce, color, 1, 0, 1
animate: 0.60, PingPong, inoutbounce, color, 0, 0, 1
animate: 0.72, PingPong, inoutbounce, color, 0, 1, 1
animate: 0.84, PingPong, inoutbounce, color, 0, 1, 0
animate: 2.5, PingPong, linear, rot, 0, 0, 360
uniform vec2 u_WindowSize; // Window dimensions in pixels
// The image that is to be manipulated.
uniform sampler2D iChannel0;
vec2 Emu_Normalise_to_Window ( vec2 xy ) { return xy / u_WindowSize.xy; }
void main ( void )
// Get the normalised coordinates of the current point.
vec2 uv = Emu_Normalise_to_Window ( gl_FragCoord.xy );
// Update shader outputs.
gl_FragColor = texture2D(iChannel0,uv) * gl_Color;
Someone who could make a native picture in picture in a scene?
@sh42n81 - there is at least one other oddity with the scene previews. If, as I often do, you use a single image with transparent sections, but with colour information retained for those transpaent sections, for both the background and foreground parts of the scene then those sections are displayed in white in the previews (or at least they are on my machine).
In case you are wondering, I use this so that I only need one image file rather than two and it automatically ensures that the background (which has blend: false) and the foreground (with blend: true) are perfectly aligned. Unfortunately, without resorting to shaders, this technique can not be extended to three or more layers in one image.
The difficulties arise because you are moving the camera in and out relative to the both th performers and the other screen elements, consequently those that have been placed closer to the camera are more affected than those further away which can often result in unrealistic apparent changes in the relative sizes of the objects in the scene.
In principle this problem can be overcome by properly placing the various objects in the scene at their proper positions in 3D space
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