Im not having a dig at anyone but I just thought id bring this up as a matter or fairness :-)
It would be nice if there was some way to randomise who gets to pick the next challenger. I've noticed over the past couple of months, quite a bit of the time, the same people have been picking and obviously engineering it so they get to pick the challenger.
There are some members who participate in this thread who i've never seen pick a challenger and I reckon it would be fairer if there was some kind of system that randomly selected the picker so at least these participants had a chance
I know not everyone has the time to sit at this thread and wait to vote last under certain circumstances to get to pick, im one of them, and it sure would be nice to have a look in once in a while.
I know this is only a game and its not a huge issue but i'm curious how others see this situation?
Any thoughts?