At the risk of letting the cats out of the bag
Production schedule for VsPolls, next 12 matchups (subject to change).
01 July 13th Friday: Tacia - Euphrat Vs Walleria. Posted @8:30pm EST.
02 July 14th, Saturday: SpaveInvader - Alizee vs Jewel.
03 July 15th, Sunday (DB): Tacia - Lauren May Vs Sophie Moon.
04 July 19th, Thursday: Moitoucour - Natalia Vs Monica Sweet.
05 July 20th, Friday: Tacia - Tina Kay Vs Satin Bloom.
06 July 21st, Saturday: SpaveInvader - Ashley Bulgari vs. Eileen.
07 July 22th, Sunday (DB): Maverick – Cindy Dollar Vs Sandra Shine.
08 July 24th, Tuesday, Moitoucour - Jana Cova Vs Jenni Gregg
09 July 27th, Friday: Tacia – Undecided.
10 July 28th, Saturday: SpaveInvader - Undecided.
11 July 29th, Sunday (DB): Tacia - Antonia Vs Dayzee.
12 July 30th, Monday: Moitoucour - Lucky Vs Aleska Diamond.