OK, so, there has been a lot of repetition in naming the cards. There’s some info about this here:
Everything about iStripper / Digging in the past of VG, i have found...
Well, sometimes when i have a little of free time, i like to read about history. It is one of my hobbies. Sometimes i also take a look into the "ancient" history of this forum. I've found many interes...
Also, dunno, some titles are kinda blah, (me likes Sofia’s “airbags” title, though) in my view, and some are not exactly repetitions, but not very inspired. It’s not an important thing, of course, but the chance to play a little with the possibilities and have some fun. Is just a game of sorts.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll see one of your titles in the future in one card... Or not, as the case might be. ;)
If you want, add whatever names you think would suit a non existing show, based upon the common model’s types around here, or the usual kind of outfits or outfit colors, or some notable peculiar aspects in the performances. The fun thing is also trying to avoid the most common words that Totem uses, like “party”, “red”, “girl”, “pink”, “summer”, “fire”, “black”, “candy”, “sun”, “white”, “beach”, or the same places like Ibiza, etc. Not need to be weird names, just not used so far and not so obscure to understand. Funny is good, too. And don’t hesitate to use names of songs, movies or books, there are some of those around already. Also, there are a few out there that are very simple and obvious, but still unused.
Just note that Totem baptizes the cards usually with one or two words, and they keep them titles short to fit the space in the card. So, “Super Ultra Mega Awesome Me Likes This Chick” might never be used, lol.
Here some ideas of mine: