As I said, * if the editors at Totem can try to edit their clips to start at the dancer's filming-song beat bar sequences, it will be great to have any card clip commencing in sync with the start of the songs we decide to put into the VGPlayer.
To avoid all the factoring your .pdf mentioned in order to edit say, a NewMusic.xml easily, I might just try to stay with a standard 128 bitrate for my mp3's here, so I'll use a 128 kbps fixed bit rate for music i put into the player "~Settings ~Sound & Music ~Music Files " in future.
I should be able to easily convert any new concatenated music files into straight 128 kbps bit rate using the free open source cross platform Audacity v2.0.5. and find the starting points for each song on the fly.
I am hoping similar ideas * about synchronisation of dance and music can be applied somehow in slowing down or speeding up the animations to suit music in iDancer, whenever it is released.
Thanks for your help