This highlights the need to shoot girls always for both VG & DB's WHENEVER that can be done!
For viewers to see both the "dance" and the "plunge" is incredibly wonderful to have available here in Totem style!
I'd also like to see Totem, upon seeing the erotic caliber DURING the DB's shoot of say, a Davon Kim,Mandy Dee, quality solo acts,(ie, great sex talk/explicit action performance) be of the awareness to set up & shoot more solos for DB's to get THAT performance quality in greater abundance!
A "bonus round" so to speak!
I, for one, would love to have a couple of solo cards each of Davon, Mandy, Aletta,Blue Angel, & other performers who do such hot unique work as they do, etc. on DB'S & Totem can do this by being aware of this & directing it to happen at the time.
Also I'd like to see the awareness of erotic potential go the other way too.
Set the truly wonderful explicit DB's girls (like Blue Angel)up immediately for VG cards too once they've shown that they can move stripper-sexy too.
See the holistic possibilities & act on them more immediately, please.
Totem's doing so well in evolving a more COMPLETE CyberSex experience, it should continue more along this line.
Women who can really move sensually & sexually & are not afraid to be explicit should be allowed to do so on VG too (with VG standards of explicit).
Bring on the Blue Angel wiggles & spreads!