I don't know if I'm the only one who feel that the community stopped
being fun and useful along time ago.
I'm tired to visit the page and look for important news from the team,
and find nothing, most of the time only meaningless posts (not all,
some topics are interestings and fun).
forum problems
What's new - 'Announcements from the team¿¡?¡'' the only thing that I
see there is 'three new cards' every single week
Ideas - Seems that it's the most despised forum.
Platinum Only - 'Where the elite meets'.. uhmmm so so, great for
previews do
About every thing else - .....
Casting - Now it's active, great, good job. I'd like to know why
some girls are canceled.
And why totem post there most of the times and not
take the time to post in other forums??
Don't Know how much are the totem profits, but they need someone to post
here once in a while. It's not like they don't do it, if you ask something,
totem answer, but not once every month, like they do.
and from what I read was not a problem just now
e.g. Deskbabes, VGclassic, Vip and Platinum status, variety...; we spend
so much time in the dark with deskbabes, and now it's the same with other
stuff... what's going on with that?, say something, anything.
I get the feeling they ignore you ( Good luck titilate, oquijan,... )
Sorry If I'm prejudice, maybe it's not like that.
The tech support is awesome, congratulations
When you create too much speculation and intrigue, this things happens.