In terms of beauty alone, I think Angel deserves to be on top, but in terms of performance, she deserves to be closer to the bottom of the list. Overall I would personally rank both Angel and Morgane around the mid-range.
I tend to think that Angel is ranked so high at the moment due to novelty value, since she's the first new girl for some time where both her face and body are strikingly beautiful and she isn't lacking in the chest area. We'll see whether something similar happens when the cards of equally beautiful and at least as well endowed girls, like Laetitia and Domino, are released.
Lorena is a much better performer than either Angel or Morgane, and an exceptionally beautiful girl, although not as well endowed. I think she deserves to be among the top girls, but I don't think she deserves to be ranked as the very best either.
Although I'm not a huge fan of Melisa either, I do think she deserves the top spot more than Angel, Morgane or Lorena.