READ CAREFULLY: Vote twice but your two votes must be DIFFERENT. You will be voting to combine two of the qualities together to make your Miss Villain. So if you think Miss Villain should be explicit like Marie but athletic like Karina then place your votes for those two. No voting for the same two girls. Of course, this is based on the honor system, so it's your choice to follow the rules.
What to vote for: Deny's ***** Phil show was okay but Totem should have use a livelier performer and, let's not forget, a blond. Anyway, you are voting for Miss Elle Driver, a rival of the Bride.
Qualifications: The qualifications is somewhat complicated because each girl has a certain quality that makes Elle Driver. I've included Shabba, Suzie, Karina for their show of athleticism, Misa, Jenna Sweet, and Ellen for their unique gaze, and Marie and Alizee for their...expertise, and Ariel and Carmen Gemini for their charisma.
Only 4 girls will move on.
Vote. Comment. Thanks.
Poll 30 Round 2: UMV Playoffs Miss Villain
210 votes