Instala iStripper para ver este exclusivo show erótico de Anastasiia
Descargar libre DIRECTOR (Ethan): "The french maid is always a hit with models who like the roleplays. Not only she was quite into her sexy character, but with her wavy hairstyle and beautiful voluptuous natural chest, she just checked all the boxes of this all time fantasy. A classixxx. She reminded me a lot of Caramell, same kind of look and same laugh :)"
She is certainly getting more energetic and lively with the pole.
An interesting note – in past shows I have commented that her head looks big compared to her body – and I’m not seeing that in this show. It may just be that her hair is not as “fluffed up “ in this show (end of a long day?).
I do love her breasts – nice and big and sooo natural.
In table clip 12 which is only Nudity you definitely get more glimpses of the honey pot from front and back. In table clip 14 the panties come off first and although she still waves her hands and the feather duster in front, there is more on show. In table clip 10, still nudity only, you get prolongued view from the front of pussy lips.
The full nudity clips are standing and pole – no table. Clip 18 is a full strip but it is hard to see why it is classified as full nudity. Clip 19 follows on with her fully naked but she shows more in thre nudity-only table clips. The final full nudity, pole clip 17, sees her fully clothed and the panties come off first. With slo-mo and zoom you will see pussy.
So – better than the other shows as more gets shown but bizarrely you see more in the nudity clips than in the full nudity.
Her body is super-gorgeous – fabulous figure – lovely breasts – amazing legs – beautiful sexy arse – nice looking hairless genital area.
This performance is truly entertaining and magical – it’s an honour and a privilege seeing her beauty in all its glory.
Stands: around 12 min (1 2:19 min topless, 1 2:35 min topless and 1 2:06 min nudity clips completely in heels)
Poles: around 12 min, 100% in heels
Tables: over 13 min (1 1:22 min topless, 1 2:13 min nudity and 1 1:59 min nudity clips completely in heels and stockings free)
P.S. if you do not dislike her tits, and like her in heels, you will like her barfeet too
4/5 if it was totem
5/5 if it was her decision
I would also like to congratulate her on some strong eyebrows. Maybe the best on iS
Anastasiia est trop craquante dans ce rôle hyper classique, mais indémodable, qui fait marcher à plein régime la boîte à fantasmes. La regarder agiter son plumeau dans des poses super sexy et décocher son sourire ravageur, me met dans un état indescriptible. Avec son visage d'ange, c'est le paradis qui s'ouvre devant nous lorsqu'elle apparaît ainsi vêtue. Bref, je ne peux pas m'en lasser. Bravo et merci pour tout ma petite chérie :)
She does not show her pussy and ass from back, WHY?!
Could be strong 5/5 but here is 4.5/5 and ***** potential...
I am still trying to understand what is the point to hide your body when You are istripper's model and you are naked??...
Aux seins et aux fesses magnifiques...
Je n'ai pu me retenir...
Sa meilleure carte!