Thanks, Stanz, for your Sandra photo and news. Please update us when her baby arrives.
SandraH's trailers are what hooked me on VG, though Julya was my first purchase, Sandra second. Her shows remain the epitome of (non-explicit) VG performances. She moves her ass like no other woman on this site, and has (for me) a perfect body type, as do other girls of different sizes, like Eve Angel. For tall girls, Alyssia's bod really rocks. Small girls: Angelina *****, Monica Sweet.
Totem, in their wisdom, will continue bringing "tall models", "skinny models", "chunky models" and "short models" into the studio because they have more than 1 customer to please. Perhaps members could request more of what they want without denigrating and trying to cut back on others' preferences.
Let's enjoy all the girls!