Aha, I see that too. It looks like everything on the feature page is loaded from scratch whenever you access it or anything FROM it.
a Few How To Videos:
13 minute Run Through
If you have a full or almost full collection
How to See just the Updates
I made this video with you in mind, but it is for anyone who is having a similar issue.
1) check your registry setting to find out where the app thinks your Data folder is.it might be different than the one you are looking at.https://www.istripper.com/customdata/forum/2023-05-18/ceTTWTG6.png
2) there are 6 .png images used to put the star sticker on the cards.so you need to check all 6 images are the correct ones.https://www.istripper.com/customdata/forum/2023-05-18/MeqrWFb6.png
in the basic folder
the images should only be the orig. ones.
in a skin folder
you can place custom images to use.
if you change the basic images
then it changes them for Every Skin that doesn't include custom images.
Orig SEC stars
Custom SEC stars
if you need a copy of the 6 SEC star files, I have them here
But I make a copy of this and rename it just to
and I install from that copy.
the Hyphenated part on the End is Used to Create a Partner version using a different set of Graphics
Including the Tags used on the card.
If the Partner Folder that Matches the Hyphenated Name, can't be Found
it uses a different set of Stickers ( grabbed from the server ).
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Totem\vghd\DLMLook at the Key
install using a copy without the hyphenated nameor
Quit iStripperhttps://www.istripper.com/customdata/forum/2023-05-18/aLxhn9h9.png
and Clear out the value in the KeywhiteLabelthen restart iStripper.
@Dfner I'll cancel my ticket with the support now.But shouldn't the software be updated in some way so that your issue isn't repeated?
And if you update your software within Settings page (as most surely do with finished software versions), you don't have to worry about such a thing.
setup-istripper 12376The current version wants (defaults) to be saved as this:
setup-istripper_5M70GqfKlo6SACBrgD9HIDtKThis came from the website just a minute ago.
I deleted all my cards and have been downloading them and deleteing the clips I dont want lately. I downloaded the beta and continued to do what I have been doing. I downloaded all sonya blazes cards and disabled the clips I did not want on the first card and Istripper crashes (not surprized at all it crashed...) anyways now all her cards show as not downloaded when I know they are. So here is a bug report for you. youre welcome😆 .
Seems like a command-line option would be more appropriate.
One File, for all the different needs. Just change the name.Not if it can mean issues for typical users.
@RonaldBIs this with the girls playing, or not?I mean, does it happen when istripper is turned off (on/off button top far right)?
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