Hi, yes it's possible, I made a tutorial on discord😊 https://discord.com/channels/709339443777110026/887805197559169064/887805200482566174
However, as it is something that users have repeatedly requested, in my opinion it is something that Totem really should provide as a standard option.
There are many dark themes available for iStripper - see for example the following two forum threads (there are probably more forum threads and, I am sure, that there are also more on Discord but I don't go there)https://www.istripper.com/forum/thread/37219/1?post=546422No estás autorizado a ver este tema o acceder a datos relativos a este tema, as it is something that users have repeatedly requested, in my opinion it is something that Totem really should provide as a standard option.https://www.istripper.com/forum/thread/33544/1?post=505634HoweverNo estás autorizado a ver este tema o acceder a datos relativos a este tema
This would like is a night mode. A switch that would make it possible to vary the brightness of the screen at will as you need the needs or time of use. Without having to install a skin, then change it again the next day😉 This is how I understand these requests😉
Some people just want a simple, permanent, dark theme. I used to configure most of my software that way - though, oddly, I have never bothered to do so with iStripper.
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