In all cases, Totem did earn 49.90 euros from me in advance, when I bought the credit pack. Whatever can I do with my credits, makes no difference to their wallet.Oui, totem a encaissé 49.90 euros et j'ai reçu 200 000 crédits. Woauw super cette idée
I received 200,000 credits. Woauw great this ideaAn indirect, theoretical and just probable difference (there is also the possible case of a person doesn't spend at all the credits he gained, or of a game ***** who spends them all again in games - and there is also the possibility one would not have bought any more credits anyway), not a direct, automatical and sure one on their wallet.😊
But with that I get the whole iStripper collection and so I don't have to buy any more credits anymore. So that makes a difference for totem.
But for me when I use my credits, I still realize that they cost me money.In reality they costed money to you in advance - when you did buy the credit pack -, not when you spend them.
at the end of the day it is WE who decide to play or not Totem does not put a knife to our throats to ***** us to play, if WE let's decide to play it is WE who take our risks so there is no need to ***** if we lose.To this, I also agree
Bonjour à tous. Je viens de lire vos post sur ce topic et je ne comprends pas toutes ces discussions car au bout du compte c'est NOUS qui décidons de jouer ou pas Totem ne nous met pas le couteau sous la gorge pour nous contraindre à jouer, si NOUS décidons de jouer c'est NOUS qui prenons nos risques il n'y a donc pas lieu de NOUS plaindre si nous perdons. En effet @Socialhazard "mais quel jeu étrange ou pour gagner il ne faut pas jouer"
Hello everyone. I have just read your posts on this topic and I do not understand all these discussions because at the end of the day it is WE who decide to play or not Totem does not put a knife to our throats to ***** us to play, if WE let's decide to play it is WE who take our risks so there is no need to ***** if we lose. Indeed @Socialhazard "but what a strange game or to win you must not play"
In this case, Totem ***** people to play,It's still up to us and our decisions. Personally i decided that they were not worthy enough for me, and so I did stop playing games for SECs
This is not true for those, who decide to get the SEC cards.
In this case, Totem ***** people to play, with high probability of losing credits (money).
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