hello the first thing if you not have is to make i install of WINRAR, the version devaluation is largely enough.
after this install, you get the file classic skin in there adresse
http://mapage.noos.fr/cumulus33/nella skin blue1.rar
you save the file on your desktop
find now where is your data folder for VGHD.
the most simple is use this method with the option folder (1)
in general is here :
C:/Documents and Settings/usersname/Application Data/vghd/data/skins/virtuagirlhd/classic skin
of where you have installed the data of vghd
then you drive number/vghd/data/skins/virtuagirlhd/clas
take time and where you are find it, make a copy of folder classic skin, you can use Winrar for make a archive.
(clic mouse right on the folder).