rem backup all the disabled cards and add them to the Disabled folder
@echo off
Echo rem copy all disabled cards > CopyDisabledCards.bat
rem Make the script to copy all the disabled cards
For /D %%d in (a0??? a1??? c0??? d0??? e0??? e1??? f0??? f1??? b0???) do @if Exist "%%d\%%d.vhddisabled" echo copy %%d\%%d.vhddisabled Disabled\%%d\%%d.vhddisabled >> CopyDisabledCards.bat
rem Make all the folders needed
MD Disabled
For /D %%d in (a0??? a1??? c0??? d0??? e0??? e1??? f0??? f1??? b0???) do @if Exist "%%d\%%d.vhddisabled" MD Disabled\%%d
rem run the backup script
rem Restore all the disabled cards and add them to the Disabled folder
@echo off
Echo rem Restore all disabled cards > RestoreDisabledCards.bat
rem Make the script to copy all the disabled cards
For /D %%d in (a0??? a1??? c0??? d0??? e0??? e1??? f0??? f1??? b0???) do @if Exist "Disabled\%%d\%%d.vhddisabled" echo copy Disabled\%%d\%%d.vhddisabled %%d\%%d.vhddisabled >> RestoreDisabledCards.bat
rem run the restore script
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