I would like to see options for:
a) disabling them entirely (maybe even prevent their downloads);
b) preventing swing clips from appearing in full size mode or have the small mode setting apply to swing clips (so they still appear if you have full size mode, just smaller);
c) making them anchor to certain points on the screen;
d) preventing them from appearing anytime you have a full screen app going (full screen or fullscreen borderless), so stuff like games, movies and streams wouldn't have swing clips appearing, but they'd still show up normally.
I'm sure it's not just me that couldn't benefit from these implementions. While swings are great, I find myself usually not liking their random appearances where they tend to interfere a bit. Their implenentations just feel awkward.
On a side note, I made a post about this some while ago which didn't get any traction, but I feel like a feature to prevent mouse interactions with clips wouldn't ***** because of d).
I typically like gaming with our little strippers but, depending on the game, it simply can't work with it (FPS games mainly). One thing though is I think simply disabling the right click menu wouldn't work properly and could still lead to weird interactions in games.