When you get offered a discount on cards with the slot machine, do you have to take up the offer there and then or can you take advantage of the offer at a later date?
I think it's funny that triple diamond members are ***** about lack of cards or discounts. You've blown huge amounts of money from buying credits so you can get mass amounts of cards which most members can't afford to do. This promotion is what it is, a gamble. I would much prefer a gold member or lower got a lucky spin than someone who can afford to own over 1500 cards. Just my opinion.
Guys,Guys, Guys,
The only reason things are on sale, discount, lottery, you name it... is because they would not sale otherwise. Do you realy think they will give you discount on the new cards? you must be kidding. Its a way to sale somehow old cards. If you want them you have them. If not keep your money.
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