Do you still have the original virtuagirl pics?
If yes, change each one so that it ends "_custom.jpg".
Example: if you have the card in this picture, then change the card pic to "c0005_custom.jpg".
IStripper uses jpg files that do not end with the 'c'. The above should make all of the older virtuagirl and deskbabes card pics show.
(c0005a.jpg is now c0005_custom.jpg)
By default, IStripper uses jpg files such as c0005.jpg.
Adding '_custom' to the card jpg file overrides this.
(I did a computer search within the 'models' folder for all files ending in "c.jpg". Then, I manually changed each and every one to "_custom.jpg", removing the 'c'. It took less than an hour to do nearly one thousand cards.)