I hope I will see more diversity,too with casting of US girls like WillDeeBad said.
Like we all know, in US is a lot of diversity of girls(black,asian,latin girls,etc) ,but I hope the diversity will not increase if this means that the quality of casting girls will decrease and when I say this,I`m thinking again at that site 21sextury where there is a lot of diversity of girls ,but where the quality of the girls is very low(second hand girls). I`didn`t calculate exactly in procent how much has quality girls(first hand girls)(this is very hard to calculate,because there are plenty girls on that site),but in my opinion that site has about only 30-40 % first hand girls.Of course everybody have different opinions what means beautiful and different opinions regarding procents could be different.That procent is based on my taste regarding casting girls,regarding what means to be beautiful(what means to be attractive for us,the viewers)
It`s possible to not like one girl,but other 10 persons to like that girl.This is something relative.
I want to mention I`m very pleased of the quality of casting of the european girls and I hope they will not stop to search new beautiful european girls.
I`m glad we shall see US girls,too ,but I hope Totem will not ignore the european casting in the next future,when they will open the studio in Vegas.
Like I said,I would like to see first hand US girls and not ordinary(common) girls(ordinary = you see them on the street and not attract you with nothing).
I hope I will see US girls like the girl(first hand girl in my opinion) posted by jununger in the first post of this thread and it seems Totem will start with the right foot the casting of US girls😄.
I can`t wait to see US first hand girls(not so famous)(beautiful,hot and sexy) on VG and DB and if it`s possible to see some famous US girls(with the same price) (EX: Playboy Girls(especially), Treats of Twistys site, Pets of Penthouse, Models of DigitalDesire ,Hustler Girls,etc).
I want to mention if bringing some famous US girls on VG and DB means to increase the price of their cards,I will always preffer some US girls not so famous (even amateurs,but beautiful on my taste) with the same price like in the present time.
But who knows??!! Maybe there are enough members with big wallets(😊 😊 😊) willing to pay more for some US famous girls(not my case😊).
In my opinion it`s not worth it, as long as we have plenty gorgeous and amazing european girls allready with an acceptable price and a high quality.
Thanks again Totem Team and especially to ethanangus and oliverlokky for great findings on European Casting Forum Girls.
I hope they will keep looking new beautiful fresh faces (european or US) and bring them to our desktops(maybe not fresh in the adult industry, but new fresh faces here on VG and DB.)
What to say more?? I`m very pleased how the things evolved(improuved) (the casting girls, the quality of the cards and less technical issues than in the past) at Totem products (VG and DB)
Thank You ,Totem Team that you bring us beautiful girls every week on our desktops and with this post I wanted to say I appreciate everything what you do for us,your faithfull members😄
I hope it wasn`t too much off topic of this thread.
I appologise to OP of this thread if my post was a little bit off topic😊
I started my post with US girls and I finished with something else,but I hope it isn`t a problem if I deviate a little bit the original subject of this thread.
Although I`m very active on Forum ,I don`t write so much, but sometimes when I have mood to write, I write a lot as you can see,LOL.
I hope my post wasn`t boring and you had enough patience to read it all,LOL.