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Desde en Mar 2008

4048 posts
May 21, 2015
has anyone yet found a way of animating background shader to rotate or pan sideways via either animate: or a uniform: call to 'Tunnel A' in the SCN code ?
Rotation of the shader, It can only be done in the shader code.

The fragment is the shape.
So for instance whe use a Quad or a rectangle as the shape.
The shaded then Paints onto that Shape..
It doesnt Matter if the Shape is straight, or Rotated..
The Painting takes place exactly the Same all the time Based on the code in the shader..
It Starts at the top left of the screen
Paints from left to right, then advances down to the next line
and paints that line.

Where ever the frgament is, it recieves color from the shader.

So if the fragment is rotated on an Angle like in your Picture.
then only that part of the fragment gets color applied by the shader.

Think of it like an Injet Printer..
If you print an Image on a full sheet of paper you get the FUll Image.
If you cut the paper into a Diamond shape
then Only that Portion of the Paper gets Ink.
Doesn't matter how you rotate the blank paper, the Ink is still printed from left to right

Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
May 21, 2015 (edited)
yes but when the shader uses a 2D channel0 to render and we nest the 2D texture selected in a framebuffered quad declaration, then it appears we don't need the 2D texture to be at the same position as the quad. It will paint the texture wherever its texture's pos: is defined including z axis for 3D camera.. @Theemu was trying to use z axis settings on the shader butterflys but all it did was moved the supporting quad around not necessarily the butterflys. So he ended up making them move & resize by generating that within the butterfly shader itself. In so doing, the shader product ~ butterflies ~ did respond also to SCN animate: parameter in the normal SCN. whereas the walls did not. I keep thinking, if we had an extra channel, say channel1 available for X, Y & Z (depth) render manipulations and Channel2 for sound reactives, we could make heaps more use of anims & uniforms at SCN level. Move the inkjet printer effect inwards and more variable , so to speak.;-)
Desde en Jul 2012

3309 posts
May 22, 2015
@EverthangForever. What I would really like is to be able to use an animate clause for a uniform declared in the same scene node. My suspicion is that the node properties such as pos, rot, color and opacity are themselves associated with uniforms for a default shader and that it ought to be at least conceptualy simple to extend animate to work on user defined uniforms.
Desde en Jul 2012

3309 posts
May 22, 2015 (edited)
@EverthangForever. Is this the sort of thing you were thinking of. Its a small modification of my

TheEmu = Experiments with Tunnels A - A1 - 001 - Active - shape=(0.0,1.0).scn

which is now called

TheEmu = Experiments with Tunnels A - X1 - 001 - Active - shape=(0.0,1.0).scn

I have not uploaded it to the nest yet, but you can copy it from here.

The differences are

1) The generation of the tunnel is now done into a frame buffer
2) The sprite that used to generate the tunnel now uses the new framebuffer as its source

This allows an animate clause to be used in the sprite to rotae the tunnel.

// License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
// Description to be provided

text : TheEmu = Experiments with Tunnels - 00 - Description.txt


texture {
id: TunnelWalls
source: Images

clip {
id: Clip
deny: table, top

framebuffer { // Generation of tunnel walls now done into a famebuffer
id: Tunnel
source: TunnelWalls
pos: 0, 0
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
size: 1800, 1800
uniform: shape, vec2, 0.0, 1.0
uniform: speed, float, 0.1
uniform: fade, float, 2.0
uniform: zScale, float, 2.0
uniform: tileScheme, int, 1
shader: fragment, Shaders/TheEmu - Tunnel A.fsh


camera {

type: 3D
angle: 45
pos: 0, 0, 1080
target: 0, 0, 0

sprite { // Tunnel walls now generated in a fame buffer, so we can rotate them
source: Tunnel
rot: 0, 0, 0
animate: 30, loopforward, linear, rot, 0, 0, 360

clipSprite {
pos: 400, 430
standingHeight: 500
source: Clip

clipNameSprite {
pos: 400, 430
scale: 0.5
hotspot: 0.5, 1
source: Clip


Desde en Oct 2010

1191 posts
May 22, 2015

You are a star!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure about @EverthangForever but this is exactly what I was looking for.

Just had a very quick play and I have some of my more psychedelic backgrounds rotating and changing colour just like in static, non-shader scenes.

I am going to play a bit more later.

I may be gone for some considerable time. :-))))
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
May 22, 2015 (edited)
You too it a great playground for experiments now thats for sure.

Yes @Theemu, thats exactly what I was trying to say. & as usual, you put it so eloquently. The framebuffer with an id 'tunnel' now allows the random sprite to be rendered as well as manipulated by animate clauses, just as though it was a normal sprite being declared in a SCN file with animate clauses.

If the VGPlayer really does have a 'mastershader' somehow built into it with our SCN parameters acting like uniform calls to it, then introducing other shaders to it via framebuffers and quad nesting really opens up the scope for creativity here. I previously ran co-incident shaders together on the one SCN, in say FractalGarden015 I ran 2 Shaders: Alexander Alekseev's SeaScape.fsh on the bottom half and Chapter9's Simple Wobble.fsh on the top half. It would have been amazing by cascaded quads and opacity animations say, to have been able to blend (time slice) the effects over 2 channels...thats why I asked about Totem opening up more Channels like WebGL has 4 or so incl. mouse, sound, etc.. we have just the one at this time.

I like experiments in direction (camera target ?) animation also. like in Reinder Nijhoff's Venice and Wolfenstein where he pans over a wide scene and changes direction of apparent movement according to (random or feature oriented) changes of camera targeting. That lends itself to lots of possibilities with our scenes like the recent catwalk approach illusions with 'distance reducing' models that yidincrete did..could be made zig-zag etc.
Just thinking out aloud here..this advance in "Tunnel A" today alone is totally amazing. Thank you so much @Emu@Wyld et @Lezardo ~ our rockstar coders !!.

Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
May 23, 2015 (edited)
If I had a wish list, this is what it would be:..
Allow users to keep building their own name-trees
but provide a new fullscreen keyboard key which switches to Paris Penthouse Club Hub Scene, or allow option for scene plays to revert to PPC Menu Hub Scene upon completion.
Rewrite paris penthouse club scene with uniforms for imouse which allow a mouse click on doors in the scene Target new Channel1 "imouse" to link SCN Doors (or a variation on sustained Clipnamesprites ?) to those name-trees we have all made. Lets Keep the experience immersive..woohoo.

Many Tks yidincrete/Emu for use of cap "yidincrete = TheEmu 4.scn = Club Carousel.scn"
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
May 24, 2015 (edited)
Using framebuffers, as @TheEmu illustrated above, has allowed me to complete first experiments with zigzag travel through a left/right panning rendered shader scene. I think it will be a useful SCN for peeps wanting to experiment further with realistic animation movement of whole backgrounds using shaders and travel through it..

I did not have a wide enough shader rendered sprite running at the time of taking this screencap so the floating stage extends beyond this sprite at times, but that just emphasises the 3D effect you get with this approach.

Once written up the tech comments in the code is done and I've compiled a new bunch of render sprites for the zip, it should be up on server later today, I hope. Blessings.
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
May 30, 2015 (edited)
@The Emu
Over on the share thread
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you said '..There is a ***** update to the Tunnel A shader giving a little bit more control over fading (actualy its a bug fix with the old behaviour retained as the default behaviour for backward compatibility)... '
Great, I've been playing with interacting shaders via framebuffer method some more. I'll get that onto server shortly so there might be some feedback on how peeps' GPUs are coping.

Edit: @Theemu, thanks for all the new uniforms..OMG, the mind boggles at the possibilities...I'm noticing some seaming issues ( a vertical join gap in above pic ) apparent with 'TheEmu - Tunnel Wall Test.png' but not so apparent with most Tunnel scenes using other 2DTexture pics. Just wondering, which uniform to tweak this so edges in a tunnel scene can be made to meet better when this happens, or has it to do with some strange characteristic eg: the x,y dimensions of the test pic somehow ? Thanks also for your shader comments including useful range settings & limits for uniforms..that helps awsomely. 😄
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 1, 2015 (edited)
In mix008A
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i've added another frame buffer to the scene to allow a series of stone tunnel/s to act independently to the main rail-hedge tunnel.

The two framebuffers have their own unique 2DTex & thus have their own set of uniform actions ~Stone darkens slightly via fadeColour 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 and hedge tunnel remains white/bright via fadecolour 1.0, 1.0, 1.0.

The stone fade uniform is also shallower at 0.5 while the distant hedge fade has been brought more forward like a mist at 2.0.

To make this work, it was easiest to keep both shader '2DTextures' the same size, only difference being the stone tunnels were made transparent except for the stonework itself to act like a mask. This approach to overlaying wide textures in a scene by masking with transparent leaving only new features, saves heaps of memory.. In this case 4.01 MB as opposed to 22.5 MB for the full rail/hedge version.
@Emu, if there is a way known to make the Tunnel A corners sharp square on occasions as opposed to standard rounded I'm dying to know... 😄
Desde en Jul 2012

3309 posts
June 5, 2015 (edited)

The black line that you see in the example you posted using the tunnel test texture is not an artifact. The tunnel test texture image deliberately includes a black border so that I could see exactly where the individual copies of the image were when tiling the tunnel. If you are seeing a similar thing when using other images please check if the image does not have something like a black strip at one or more of its edges - I have seen quite a few backgrounds with a definite black strip at the bottom and some other images with a strip of noise that is a pixel or two wide. If so the easiest way to fix it is to edit the image itself to get rid of any edge blemishes.

At present the only way to make the tunnel's corner sharper is to use a higher value for the first component of the shape uniform. In theory the corners would be square if this value was infinite. In practice the degree of squareness will be limited by how well the GLSL pow function handles large values for its second parameter. Just try using larger values, e.g. doubling it each time, until you are satisfied or it make little or no difference. I have always had it in mind to add an option to make the corners exactly square but have not yet got round to it.
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 7, 2015 (edited)
Just a heads up...I'm unable to get any of the Experiments with Complex Functions
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shader group SCNs to work at all, at this stage. It just displays the original 2D Textures as a static background on fullscreen throughout several clip changes. However there are a few bug errors reported in VGHDPlayer which might explain it..:-( see above) ~ All the other new downloads are great however & except for one or two they all work perfectly. Wonderful work, thanks lots 😉
Intel HD Graphics 4000
Nvidia GeForce GTX 660Ti
VGHDPlayer Version: (Qt 5.3.1)
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 7, 2015 (edited)
One of the most frustrating creative blocks at the moment for scene makers, is lack of the ability to alternate whether the model is in front of, or behind a shader generated object at different times during the playing of one scene. It is going to be impractical to expect to adapt every new shader with uniforms, as was done by @TheEmu with the two quad exercise recently with butterfly swarms, in order to have the shader object appear to revolve around model/s.
Alternatively we need some sort of 'Clip uniforms' we can apply to animating appearance of the model to 'revolve' around objects during a clip, maybe sometimes at opacity zero for behind objects, sometimes at 1.0 opacity for being in-front of objects. This could overcome the need to adapt every new shader specifically for better model-object interactions, with instead better perhaps every shader which produces an 'object' like 'FlyGuy's Ring Twister just being recoded as standard to cast onto a transparent background, rather than black or white or other opaque..
In SCN, I've tried with duplicating same clipsprites before and after shader placement in the code using say..for the front clipsprite:
animate: n, loopforward, various easing functions, opacity, 0.0 or
animate: n, loopforward, various easing functions, color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (Sillouette screen)
however as of yet, all unsatisfactory or to no avail :-(
Desde en Oct 2010

1191 posts
June 8, 2015 (edited)

Not sure if it is of any help but have you had a look at @TheEmu's experiments with carousels?

He uses two sizes of clip (large for front and small for rear) and varies the opacity on them as the carousel rotates. Don't know if that is the type of thing you are looking for or even if it will work with the shaders you are trying. It may be a starting point.

PS loved the wobbly tunnel walls and the rail bogie in your recent uploads. I haven't had chance to try @TheEmu's new additions yet.

PPS - are you still having problems with @TheEmu's complex number shaders? I have just had a quick skim through them and they all seem to work for me. The static ones have a static back ground which changes over time. The dynamic ones have rotating/moving backgrounds (some just parts of the background - some all of the background). I am not getting any error reports (toggle log buttons).
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 8, 2015 (edited)
@Number6, so glad you're able to run the 2 framebuffers on rail tunnels example. I keep worrying how the AT Radeon descendent cards are handling transparency. @Theemu's latest dissertation on complex numbers is a real headspinner delving into math beyond 3D and I'm trying to get my old-school mind to adjust to understanding his instruction code. IMHO, Its somewhat of a Rosetta-Stone moment for us peeps, because in @Emu's long description.txt and in the adapted Bardo shader code, he starts to demonstrate the various uses of regular shader code syntax using the series examples. Hence it will be great if the bugs can be ironed out to make the complex number experiments work OK on everyones' VGHDPlayer.

Edit Ok, thanks, I'll try to wipe and reinstall the complex functions series again..maybe was an old version
Edit: Still no good. D'loaded Zip direct from @TheEmu's website & I'm still getting exactly same bug errors as detailed above. I may try updating NVidia drivers Reinstalling VGHD etc ...& see what ensues
Desde en Jul 2012

3309 posts
June 9, 2015

At the weekend I ran into the same problem as you with the Complex Functions experiments. They worked fine when I used my Intel Internal Graphics Processor, and had previously worked with my NVIDIA GPU. It turns out that there is a limitation in the NVIDIA fragment shader compiler which limits switch statements to handling a maximum of 64 cases, and when I went past this limit the shader stopped working with the GPU. (To be technical I would call it a bug - the compiler itself generates code for any number of cases, but if there are too many the assembler chokes on it. The compiler should know about this limitations and either gracefully fail the compilation rather than letting the assembler generate an obscure error, or should generate different code that will always work).

Anyway, I rewrote part of the shader to work round the problem and uploaded it a few minutes ago.

I also uploaded an updated version of the Tunnel A shader. Amongst other things it supports a second family of tunnel shapes - this time with sharp corners.

I will announce these, and another set of scenes, in the Share Your Scenes thread.
Desde en Jul 2012

3309 posts
June 9, 2015 (edited)

The problem of getting the performers move round an object produced by a shader is no different to getting them to move round a simple object where the image is a normal texture. I have done this in the past by using two copies of the performer and modulating their opacities (as was suggested by Number6) and it should also be possible to hard code the behaviour in the shader itself, though that would mean doing it for every shader separately for each scene and that is not really a practical solution. If it was possible to have two input channels for a shader then I could write one that took the clip image and another image and do the rotating. This would be easier than hand coding modulating the opacities in the scene file, but is currently not supported by the VGHD program - at least as far as I can tell.

However, even then there would be the problem of that many of the shaders from ShaderToy produce a plain white or black background where we would prefer a transparent one. In many cases it might be possible to use a simple post-processing shader to fix up these shader outputs - it would be very simple to code - but would only work if the colour you are fixing up did not occur in places that where you want to keep it. Although it would be a simple shader it would still add to the computational load and might be too much for some low end systems. Otherwise, I am afraid that the only solution is to modify the shaders themselves to generate a transparent background. In most cases this would be easy enough and in many it could be done using a single line addition to the end of the main routine, but the thought of going through all the exmples is a daunting one.
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 9, 2015 (edited)
@TheEmu...OMG !!!

Cannot thank you enough..All Complex Functions scenes now work perfectly on my rig..yay !!! appears @Number6 perhaps was using the earlier version zip and would have had similar problem, using the weekend zip, so we know now the problem was not a GPU specific issue, more of a limits variation. The new tunnel A release series and new uniforms and shaders you have promulgated on share thread
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open up a huge vista of exciting creative artistic opportunities for everyone... really grateful for this, and as usual for your substantive comments & stepwise series variation which helps so much as a learning tool. Totally blissed & awed-out, bless you .

Edit: yes wrt transparent backgrounds being generated by specific shaders, you went through that exercise with Tunnel A early on and it was a great success without too much code adjustment, so it is only for specific shaders that the model/s might need to navigate that i was thinking of.
Desde en Jul 2012

3309 posts
June 9, 2015

Number6 would have been using exactly the same Complex Functions shader as you. He had no problem because he is using a Radeon GPU and its associated fragment shader compiler and assembler while you are using an NVIDIA GPU and its associated software. Radeon's software obviously handles switch statements better than NVIDIA's.
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 9, 2015 (edited)
Ok, so the code is limited to 64 switch statements on NVidia GPUs..its good to know that now. hopefully NVidia will rewrite their shader compiler/assembler software some day to accomodate.
Desde en Jul 2012

3309 posts
June 9, 2015 (edited)

Not 64 switch statements but 64 case labels in a single switch statement. All compilers, not just for GPUs, have this sort of limitation for some feature or other, but limiting a switch to handle a maximum of 64 cases is remarkably low and the situation is made worse by the limitation not really being in the compiler itself, which blithely generates code as if there were no limitation, but in the assembler. If the compile had detected the problem then at least there could have been an easily understood error message. As it happens I was able to find the problem quickly because I have an Nvidea GPU, though I default to using the Intel graphics processor, but if it had been a problem that only affected Radeon GPUs, or if I had a Radeon GPU, then things would have been more difficult to diagnose.

I think I will have a look at the ShaderToy shaders to see which ones produce a standalone object like the twisted torus and maybe tweak them to use a transparent background. If I do then I will change a bunch of them at once and update the web site. But there will be nothing this week.
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 9, 2015 (edited)
Thanks what we have is already amazing...., In dealing with shader 'backgrounds' I'll try and express what I was thinking instead of chroma-keying all the black or all the white generated by a shader to be transparent, instead to generate a transparent mask for the model sprite corresponding to the shape for that shader's 'object'. It doesn't matter that the model is reduced in size to appear distant and it wouldn't matter what sequence she was listed in the code..she could remain last.
She would look like she was behind the shader object because she would only appear where the clipsprite was unmasked. So by adressing the appearance of parts of the model rather than playing with the it were. I don't know if its possible to template a dynamic transparent clipsprite mask to fake going behind shader objects...anyhow probably a silly idea 😉
Desde en Jul 2012

3309 posts
June 9, 2015 (edited)
Changing subjects somewhat. Has anyone looked at the NeighborPixelLessThan and Devil Inside shaders that I posted pictures of when I last updated the ShaderToy zip file at TheEmusNest? If so have they had any good ideas of what could be done with them? In both cases I feel that they are useful as the basis for something, but can't think what that would be.

I can see combining NeighborPixelLessThan with a posteriser or similar colour effect to get an animated comic book figure or toon which could then appear in the real world as in Who Framed Roger Rabbit (I always did like Jessica Rabbit) but thats about it.

The Devil Inside is awkward. Unfortunately the quality of the effect is rather dependant on the clip it is being used on - sometimes there are quite distinct rays of light from the girl's eyes and mouth and sometimes from other parts as well, but in other cases the effect is less dramatic. It seems that the shader needs to be tweaked for each clip in order to get the best effects - if nothing else by putting the origin of the light rays behind the center of the girl's head, or at least in the general area that the head tends to be, but to do that automaticaly would need head tracking to be built into the shader.
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 9, 2015 (edited)
Devil Inside I'd be hoping to use with your Experiments with Clouds series for ghosts fogs with tyndal effects

NeighborPixelLessThan I'd be hoping to render with various substances, marble, chrome whatever.
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 10, 2015
Love your latest
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addition in the SciFi genre scenes. The effect highlights the model while also pulling the viewer in. Especially i like that the combination of two shaders allows to vary the scene's pace over time & there are so many uniforms for the Tunnel A shader applied so its great for SCN tweaking. Yay, nice work, thanks lots 😉
Desde en Jul 2012

3309 posts
June 12, 2015 (edited)

I really like your My God! It's Full Of Stars! 2 scene. A nice tribute to a great film.

A ***** point, When I came to use it the VGHD software reported an error saying that the uniform fadeMode was not used in the shader. This was because the version of the Tunnel A shader in the zip file was slightly out of date and did not support the fadeMode parameter. This can obviously be fixed by using a newer version of the shader or by simply commenting out the line in the scn file that sets its value. As it was being set to 0 commenting it out would have no effect even with the newer shader as its default value is 0 anyway.
Desde en Oct 2010

1191 posts
June 12, 2015 (edited)
@EverthangForever, @TheEmu - Thanks for the comments on the My God! Its Full of Stars! scene.

Unfortunately it looks like I FUBAR'd the zip file. For a start the scene name shouldn't have the 2 at the end and secondly I have put the wrong shader in there as well.

I think it happened because I downloaded the zip file back down from @Wyldanimal's website and added the files to it before uploading it again. That file contained the old version of the shader and it looks like it wasn't overwritten by the new version when I added the new scene.

Apologies to all for this - I'll put it right and upload the zip file again.

Edit - Now Done.

Apologies again for the cock up.
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 14, 2015 (edited)
@Number6 downloaded again and all is working fine..your interest in applying uniforms spurred me on to same however in @The Emu's recent Complex functions series of tunnels. After much searching for that 'sweet-spot' combination of uniform Complex Functions shader settings, I've settled on some that appear kindest to the type of sampler2D textures i already have. I'll finish documenting the SCNs and making some tribute splashes for @TheEmu and get em up on share 😉.

@TheEmu, thank you is not enough, for this latest from you. I've never been so gob-smacked, so inspired by the sheer beauty, brilliance and intricacies of shader, as I have with your latest offering... Just one question..Is the sequence of display of the 71 complex functions (..beyond the first one) always in the same ordered sequence or can it be made to be random ?

Edit: Initially I had started out with uniform ColourScheme 12 - Texture based colourisation based on polar components (r,theta) because this was producing more interesting larger complex forms in the scene, it was running slower and had less gaudy bright flashing patches, however in the end, I had to revert back to ColourScheme 10 texture based coloring with tile flipping, because the loss of small detail at the outer edges of x and y axes was becoming too noisy & fractured.
Desde en Oct 2010

1191 posts
June 15, 2015 (edited)
@TheEmu, @EverthangForever - you appear to have outdone yourselves with these latest tunnel shaders.

I've just been chucking different texture images into this for the last two hours. Some of them are stunning. Try it with the cover of Cream's Disraeli Gears album. I've been watching that one for the last 20minutes.

Thank you so much for this.

Edit - forgot to add "Welcome Back Philae!!!" Hope they are able to establish a permanent connection. Maybe we will get some new comet pictures to throw into the texture files.
Desde en Oct 2009

2519 posts
June 15, 2015 (edited)

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