Before Totem created DeskBabes, there was a "Duos" category of the VGHD Booster Packs. (If that category still exists in VGHD, I wouldn't know because I now own all VGHD Duo cards. If that booster pack category still exists, it would never be offered to me.) The VGHD Booster Packs were different in that they only contained 6 cards instead of the usual 10, but the price was the same. That was OK by me, as I considered the VGHD Duo cards to be more valuable.
It seems to me that Duos are pretty much the raison d'être of DeskBabes, and yet there is no DeskBabes Duos Booster Pack category. Should there be?
Assuming DeskBabes Duos cards are more expensive to produce and more valuable to collect, I would be fine with getting fewer than 10 cards in a DeskBabes Duos Booster Pack. We can discuss how many cards per pack in posts to this thread.
Should a "Duos" category of DeskBabes Booster Packs be offered?
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